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Chuckie Finster

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Chuckie Finster

  1. McRaven and Nate Boyer need to be the Texas Democratic Party's white whales. No idea if either are attainable, but that's the type of candidate they will need to flip the state - be it in 2024, 2026, or beyond.
  2. I genuinely don't think I care about anything as much as you folks care about Hunter Biden.
  3. Jesus Christ. I know it’s been implied for decades but explicitly hearing “The enemy is the Democrat Party” is jarring.
  4. Oh, I wasn’t referring to the game. Was referring to you having a reason to visit the recruiting board again. With all the good news, I know things have been rough in here for you lately. Congrats on last night!!!
  5. “We’re not good, but none of the other schools you are considering are either and we will have the Arch Manning publicity and crazy NIL” may still be a surprisingly effective pitch.
  6. Look forward to the Rome article tomorrow explaining how the guy who has been here for 9 months was the secret key to our championship.
  7. Fairly certain Crane knew he was going to move on after no deals were made the next day.
  8. If there's one thing I know about Elon, he certainly made sure that all of his bases were covered legally before implementing any of these changes.
  9. My point was more about finding a candidate that matches the vibe of Texans, rather than a skateboarding, ex rock band member. (Not to bash Beto, I like him but he's not a 'fit' in this state.) I understand that whoever Dems run will likely lose, but unless they plan on waving the white flag entirely, they need to change how they identify their candidates. I know he's anti-political parties and it would be a long-shot, but I'd also start playing the long game with Nate Boyer if I was the Texas Democratic Party. I'm typically not a fan of celebrity candidates, but the person who flips Texas blue isn't going to simply be a politician that worked his way up the ranks.
  10. I understand how it will be perceived publicly for Crane, but it's VERY obvious there was not a good relationship between him and Click and it would be stupid for Jim to keep someone in that role that he does not, for whatever reason, want around.
  11. If there’s anyone who had their finger on the pulse of this election, it’s anonymous Dem operatives who run to the media and downplay their party’s success.
  12. Nothing should shock me with him anymore, but this first sentence is jaw-dropping.
  13. Still probably wouldn’t matter, but Texas Democrats need to be recruiting General McRaven like he’s Earl Campbell in high school.
  14. Imagine if someone told you Tuesday afternoon that the highlight of your week would be Boebert squeaking out a win on Thursday evening to keep your team’s hopes of winning the House alive.
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