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Everything posted by berlinerbaer

  1. We'll take our wins, however diminutive, and like them, thank you.
  2. I agree with this. I look at "middle class" as meaning earning a living through "work" in the usual sense, that is translating manual labor or a more refined skill into the production of goods or services. This could be flipping burgers, toiling in an assembly line, grading exams, managing someone's financial portfolio, or performing open heart surgery. A member of the upper class OTOH is someone able to live purely off the economy, earning the majority of their income through stocks, interest, trust funds, equity, etc. They are a world away from anything resembling a traditional 40 hour work week. Actual income doesn't really matter.
  3. This right here. Each socioeconomic stratum hates the one immediately above and below it. The "middle" (working) class despises the welfare moochers below them and holds their daily credentialed overlords in disdain while giving the top 1% a pass simply due to ignorance. IOW the ideal Republican voter.
  4. I'd love Biden to run. The sound bites and zingers would be fantastic. As much as I like him, I worry about him getting me-too'ed at the 11th hour and handing re-election to the Dotard.
  5. So this is kind of a big deal. The Left loves Barbara Lee. I'm curious what our resident leftists think of this.
  6. Is the too little withholding thing something Trump can "fix" by EO, or will it require passing a new bill in congress?
  7. I'm not sure where Inner Richmond is. Probably no more than a few bus stops or a 15 minute walk away from the BART Richmond station.
  8. Alright, you go on. I should switch to decapitated coffee.
  9. Geographically, this is the most accurate, or maybe Lubbock to Abeline with the intention of eventually making it to Dallas. Um... every BART line serves the East Bay. To get there, you have to travel east from SF. Pittsburgh/Bay Point and Danville lines make it quite a ways inland, in fact. You should go back since it seems you've forgotten a lot. Los Angeles had an extensive system of rail lines back in the 40s. The land was bought by the auto industry and the lines were closed down and built over into freeways and new roads. Roger Rabbit was based on a true story, brah.
  10. It isn't obvious to me. I don't think any partisan voters will be fazed, and the Dems will have the numerical advantage in 2020. Among the middle, I see Schultz peeling away more right-leaners from Trump than left-leaners from the Democrat. There is already one popular policy proposal, taxing the super-rich, to which he has publicly stated opposition. The Dem should be able to check that box.
  11. Some AL Republican wants to run against Doug Jones in 2020 and attacked him on Facebook by instead attacking Kyrsten Sinema for inappropriate senatorial attire. Makes sense... https://www.facebook.com/ZeiglerWasteCutter/photos/a.1411690772405654/2266037846970938/?type=3&theater and would
  12. A few national no-name Dems are beating Trump by 5-6 points. Don't fuck this up, Team Blue.
  13. Cross off one of either Bernie or Warren. I'm not convinced there is enough space on the Left for two heavyweights, and it gets even worse when you throw Tulsi in there. What do the leftists on this board make of this? Who stands out? My take is that Bernie would destroy Trump but I think Warren has more of a mainstream Democrat feel to make it out of the primary. Sanders and Warren need to bring along a couple staffers each to meet in a DC coffee shop and draw straws or some shit. I think a lefty stands a good chance of making it out of this thing if the space is cleared early.
  14. Um, Orca's a Republican projecting his tolerance of corruption onto everyone else.
  15. I agree with most of this. Clearly, House investigations need to begin in earnest on multiple fronts, in multiple committees, with Russia being the focus of only one or two of them. All of the other avenues toward eventual impeachment, such as emoluments or obstruction, can be handled separately from the House Russia investigation. The Dems need to start messaging that these other investigations are important in their own right and fight back against the media narrative that it's all Russia, Russia, Russia. This way, there is enough dirt on Trump to hurt him politically in case Mueller lets him off the hook re. collusion or other serious activities. Where I differ is I would hold off on impeachment until one of two events occurs: 1) the Mueller report comes out and is reasonably serious or 2) further obstruction occurs by Trump or the GOP, such as by effectively torpedoing the Mueller investigation or through Trump pardoning someone from his inner circle. If the Mueller probe does not reveal Russia collusion but instead widespread corruption, this would qualify as impeachable. Bottom line, the Dems need to keep their eye on the prize: an electoral blowout in 2020. I do not think impeachment proceedings are necessary between now and then for the Democratic base to remain fired up and to keep independents on their side of the fence. By resisting Trump legislatively, of course, as well as through multiple Congressional investigations, the Dems can keep the heat on and should be in good shape. I'll go on to add, perhaps controversially, that I don't want Trump removed from office before the next election. I'll risk the small existential threat to democracy life as we know it to ensure that further damage is done to him and the GOP in the minds of as many American voters as possible. I'll happily let him keep fucking around for two years if it means total Democratic control of the executive and the legislature for 2021.
  16. Maybe, but the Senate is a different ballgame than a statehouse. Because SC justices.
  17. Cal DB Hawkins leads TCU in receptions.
  18. Nice. 4th stringer in for Cal. I approve.
  19. Flippability goes from ME >> AZ > NC > CO. Cory Gardner will be a heavy lift with his pro-weed message. Thom Tillis is a junior senator with a weak incumbency advantage. McSally will get a bruising in the 2020 primary and will be headed for another coin flip reelection. Collins likely retires in 2020 and that seat turns blue. The OP is correct that everything else is a tough sell for Democrats. TN is fools gold, as is TX most likely. Joni Ernst is one of those tea partiers who benefited from a favorable environment in 2014, so she could be vulnerable against the right candidate.
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