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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Iranis? No shit. I live in Queens.
  2. Pretty sure him and that Cowboys team doctor are a package deal. Heheh.
  3. From the shit site. Good Mavs break-downs. You're a nerd like Bob. Respect.
  4. You're kind of a sports know-it-all too so I get it. Maybe I should go full Beeper and say what annoys me dammit. Nah, I won't. But i almost @'d George over his smug Romo bullshit again on the Hardline today. I'll say it again. The dude roasts Romo for taking a spot from a spare at a bullshit PGA event, but will gladly take the last slot at a country music festival. Fuck him. And I've played golf with him. He sucks.
  5. Watching some of y'all pick nits on Bob and pretend that turning on him isn't about politics is funny. I mean, that's as good a reason as any if you disagree with him on shit I suppose, but you've done an amazing job of shifting the blame to everything else he does. He's no different now than he was five years ago. Slightly more ego, but still pretty much the same dude. Just tell him to shut up and talk sports.
  6. Pro tip on National Ice Cream Day- smash up Oreos in a baggie and mix them into your Frosty. Goddamn perfection.
  7. Nothing in the house so it was skillet tater tots on toast with fried eggs, leftover red sauce from Chipotle, and Trader Joe's Jalapeno.
  8. threesheets

    Dallas | BBQ

    I don't know how too get IG posts to show up on here so the link is underneath... https://www.instagram.com/p/CRJ-P6ch9R9/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  9. Who Did They Thank First is some riveting fucking radio.
  10. Pretty much my exact thoughts- thanks for saving me the post. Re: spin-off: https://www.newsweek.com/what-we-know-about-bosch-spin-off-cast-release-date-1604787
  11. People crying about someone as harmless as Bob Sturm and I'm the nancy boy. That's funny. And when was the last time I brought up ratings? 2019? Sorry if I struck a nerve.
  12. Holy hell has this thread jumped the fucking shark.
  13. We live in the same town so I'm glad I was able to find your post. Went for dinner tonight and holy fuck that was one of the worst meals I've ever had out. And I'm pretty sure it's worse now than when you went because they closed during Covid and some new money swooped in, re-opened, and started serving even shittier food after stealing the branding for probably $.20 on the dollar. It's the Applebee's of "Italian" food. Apologies to Olive Garden.
  14. If I can't be the Yankees I'd rather be the Braves than that Florida bullshit
  15. Pretty remarkable for a team with a shitty owner. coach. and gm to have the second best winning percentage in the league for the last 20 years. Y'all keep dropping that knowledge though. At least until Cowboys preseason starts and you're wearing a jersey pounding Miller Lites in the Party Pit.
  16. I think? 2 parts mayo 1 part spicy mustard 1 part teriyaki sauce
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