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Everything posted by threesheets

  1. Not according to the ratings. Take the win pussy.
  2. What Jive said. And it obviously doesn't matter when you win your time slot by that big a margin. More about a bad ass midday performance than any sort of drop off by the Hardline.
  3. Wait, you said "worse than Phlegm." Phlegm is around?? Where's Phlegm?
  4. I'm not mad. I feel fine. And I'm team Beeper for what that's worth. Also, I re-read my post and I'm doubling down.
  5. I don't make money on radio ratings anymore so I'll leave that to you fanboi cucks. But the Fan has definitely gotten too sportsy since Entercom came in. Say hi to Junes next time you're down in the whiny bitch bunker with him.
  6. Meh. Still think we should fire Rick and hire Craig Miller as the new head coach and Vic as GM.
  7. Fair. I just think we need to get older and more gristled. Unfortunately that's the name of the game. The last four minutes or so it was balls vs deer in headlights. And to @immortal13's point. Yes. And that dude needs to be a don't-give-a-fuck dog like Jason Terry. #realcrip
  8. That's y'all's takeaway? They're a hard ass veteran team that needed a win and we're a young team with no edge (yet). That was a great learning experience. It fucking sucks and I hope their whole team gets AIDS. The next one will be telling.
  9. Was that the one where they did the Last Supper side by side, talked about the onion rings eaten whole (communion) and all that? I remember it being really good. And also pissing me off because don't tell me what I didn't see 😁
  10. I went to the Stars game on Sun. Had to answer a digital questionnaire on the way in. Just a heads up @gsoda3. That's before you get to the doors/ticket scan. Oh and prepare for the "this is ridiculous" crowd. Probably won't be as bad for a Mavs game though.
  11. @DonkeyCigars I also heard (not sure which radio show) that national tv considerations could have played a factor. You can't rest your stars in those games unless you want to look like shit and pay a fine. And they probably thought they could beat OKC without them anyway. Can't believe that shit was played up the way it was. But the know-it-alls need content I guess.
  12. Those old pork association commercials that called pork "The Other White Meat" must have been talking about pork tenderloin. And they were spot on. White meat fucking sucks.
  13. Yeah, I don't even want to know how much for me. Been going there for 22 years if my math is right (my first office out of college was on Oaklawn).
  14. Posting without comment- like you said, no CR.
  15. Oh no doubt. And I don't care either way. They won't be getting any of my money.
  16. Reading all these posts where people are running through Eddie's filmography and it's shocking to me how many obviously haven't seen Life.
  17. ^ Working with Shammgod every day is serving him well.
  18. Let's not sit here and pretend that choosing A&M over Texas is some drastic misstep as far as paths to success go. They're both very good schools, and the difference is fairly negligible to anyone outside of supporters of the two. I will say that the culture at A&M is not something I would want for my kid. But it seems like the progressive nature of Gen Z would have to be improving that for the better (no where to go but up). I've always supported/had a great relationship with both my daughter (and my wife), so she has no daddy issues or need to do stupid shit to please me. But she's only a freshman so we're early in the process. She really has no idea where she wants to go yet (outside of her dream of playing soccer somewhere in southern Cali). But as we get more into it I'll certainly offer my thoughts and advice, point out pros/cons she may not see, all of that. But I can't see a choice she would make where I'd put my foot down and give an ultimatum, outside of telling her she can't do something because the cost makes it logistically impossible.
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