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Everything posted by LongestHorn

  1. 82 Trans Am 305ci 4brl V8 made 145 horsepower. A celica was going to walk your dog.
  2. Trump supporters on Reddit threaten Oregon cops https://www.thedailybeast.com/reddit-quarantines-pro-trump-subreddit-the_donald-over-anti-police-threats
  3. Of course, I still love you. Keep your chin up.
  4. 10:30 pm CST https://www.cbsnews.com/news/spacex-falcon-heavy-poised-for-dramatic-night-launch-tonight-2019-06-24/
  5. On this day in 1941, Battleship Texas was being stalked by a Nazi U-203 and her four 21 inch torpedo tubes under the command of Rolf Mutzelburg on her first patrol from Kiel to St. Nazaire in France. Nazi Commander's request for permission to fire on the Texas were denied when Berlin is reported to have sent the coded message back that read "Don't mess with Texas".
  6. Lightning storm in North Austin tonight has been non-stop for more than an hour. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. At the very least, a strongly worded letter standing up for American values is what is expected from the Office.
  8. After pleading guilty to child porn charges in 1991.
  9. Started over the weekend and is still happening. https://downdetector.com/status/spectrum
  10. http://www.austintheatre.org/film/classic-film-series/ All the usual films you would expect (Godfather I and II) and all the good ones you've never heard of. If you've never been, parking is only $5 in the 600 Congress garage. Not every summer, but I can usually find a double feature with one movie I want to see on the big screen at the Paramount. If you don't want to stay for both, use the parking and hit a bar.
  11. "After attacking Japan, most of the aircrews flew on to Free China, where low on fuel, the men either bailed out or crash-landed along the coast and were rescued by local villagers, guerrillas and missionaries. That generosity shown by the Chinese would trigger a horrific retaliation by the Japanese that claimed an estimated quarter-million lives and would prompt comparisons to the 1937-38 Rape of Nanking." https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/untold-story-vengeful-japanese-attack-doolittle-raid-180955001/
  12. Want to see submissions so badly...but I'm not giving them my info. https://whitehouse.typeform.com/to/Jti9QH
  13. Being told I'm not "living in the moment"? While I'm fucking driving.
  14. Approve legislation permitting POTUS third term, and Trump will sign it. Obama vs. Trump Popcorn.
  15. Ted Cruz just slithered up to the mic.
  16. Motion vote to adjourn shit show...live coverage will return. Gripping.
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