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Beantown Express 2.0

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Beantown Express 2.0

  1. I think Miami is trying to pull off a deal for Durant and Donovan Mitchell to get both to add to Jimmy Butler. Just a guess but it is something Riley would try to do. I picture something like Hero and Duncan Robinson and picks to Utah for Mitchell and some package with Bam to the Nets for Durant. There is an issue with Simmons and Bam being on the same team because of the NBA weird contract rules so there would need to be a 3rd team to take Simmons for some assets. This would mean the Nets would be fine getting rid of Simmons which I am not sure about either as they may want to keep him which destroys this whole idea. All of this is just a guess and probably a wrong one and Durant will end up on the Suns most likely.
  2. “It’s about time the Supreme Court started taking down that commie liberal organization known as the EPA. As you know it was created by that libtard, socialist, (checks notes)….Richard Nixon. Well, he was a RINO and was a Democrat plant apparently who just wanted to hurt those good wholesome oil and coal companies” - every current dumb ass Republican today
  3. Shit, that's just a picture of Elmo looking at Texas in the Summer.
  4. I also have hundreds and hundreds of CD’s I haven’t listened to in over a decade (I think I did the Columbia House buy 1 get 12 for free a bunch of different times) but I can’t get rid of any of them or there would be a huge empty space in the closet next to the hundreds of cassette tapes I never listen to. Sadly, I have about a dozen 8 tracks from the 1970’s that were my parents that I have in a box and won’t get rid of for some reason. Maybe my wife calling me a hoarder is actually correct.
  5. Welp. I bought this today to add to the collection. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. This is what Fox News does. They aren’t mentioning the hearings today. I flipped over a few times a couple of hours ago and learned that Biden is going to sue oil companies or something to make gas prices go up and also Biden is going to have pop up tents that do abortions in public parks where your kids will be playing. Nothing about Trump being a treasonous piece of shit.
  7. Thanks, I was looking at some places on Mercer Island and then south of downtown Seattle towards SeaTac airport like Alki and Hamilton Viewpoint Park. No idea if these are safe areas or shit.
  8. ACA was pretty popular. Now Obamacare was extremely unpopular. Shows how dumb some of our citizens are. This is actually a good question. The big legislation like Civil Rights, Voting Act, Womens Suffrage, shit abolition of slavery all had probably half the country on the wrong side of history.
  9. Been there as my wife had a few miscarriages to the point we weren't sure if we would be able to have kids but finally got over the hump to have our one child. So under these new laws she would be a criminal for this?
  10. Not sure I want to leave Dallas full time even though I hate the politics here but all evening I have been checking out Seattle for a summer home. I figure I can go the townhome condo route and get a small 2 maybe 3 bedroom place for the wife and I and the kid when he comes home from college whenever that may end up being. Only qualification is I travel for work so need to be near a big airport. Any of you know areas of Seattle that make sense? I’m not a downtown city guy but more of a suburb guy.
  11. Don't make a shit to me as he is one of the I think 2 total posters on this site I have on ignore along with the guy that likes to fist himself. I don't put people on ignore that are dumb asses or that I disagree with but he brings nothing of interest to the table with his arguments other than being a dick so I had no need to hear them anymore.
  12. This is pretty much every Republican's attitude to everyone else in the country right now.
  13. My old eyes made the F and The I look like a A for some reason at first glance. Thought this was a gay porno movie poster. NTTAWWT.
  14. They can take pornhub from my cold, dead sticky hand.
  15. The responses in that tweet make me want to leave this country yesterday but now I have to stay for the 4 straight National Football Championships Quinn and Arch are about to bring UT.
  16. You want to know what infringes on my rights as a United States citizen? Fucking blue laws in states like TX where I can't buy alcohol on Sundays before noon or at all. How bout the Supreme Court gets on that one as some of us in this country don't give a fuck that it's the "lords day" so we shouldn't be allowed to buy booze so we can go to church. No offense to those of you that are nice Christians on this board but the fucking religious right (which is behind this push to end Roe V Wade) are the worst fucking humans on the face of this Earth.
  17. You and I know that still wouldn't matter. The people of this state will always find a reason to vote R because the people are idiots. They will be told by Fox News or their R politicians that the economy/inflation is bad because of the Dems, Brown people are coming over the border to rape/murder your women and children and the Dems will let it happen, LGBQT people are trying to make your kids gay and the Dems want this to happen, Dems are going to take away your hamburgers and make you eat tofu burgers, and any other ridiculous idea you can think of and the dumb people of TX and other Red states will pull the lever for the R.
  18. So, we gonna have bounty hunters tracking down women that leave a state and go to a state that allows abortions, kind of like in the good old days of slavery and Free/Slave states?
  19. My company (Fortune top 20) just put out a statement to the employees that in light of the overturning of Roe V Wade our medical plan as of July 1st will now expand travel benefits to include abortion care, gender-affirming care, and behavioral health services in regions where access is restricted. I wonder if these new strict state abortion laws will cause some companies to move out of states or if they will just look at favorable taxes in those states and not worry about employees not wanting to move or stay in certain states. I'm looking at TX on this as states like AL, MS, LA are lost causes anyways.
  20. And….. the NRA wins again. They can get gun and anti gun people to buy weapons. Yay.
  21. I know. If you can open a abortion clinic within some all inclusive resorts in Cancun, Cozumel and Cabo someone’s gonna make a fortune.
  22. It’s too bad that people like Joe Manchin, Murkowski , the cunt from Maine, and others like them don’t have the power to do something about this? Oh wait…..
  23. I am from neither but would disagree. My family is from Boston. They are just very "cold" people but New Yorkers (whom I have tons of friends from there) can be a little much.
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