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Everything posted by TexasIsBetter

  1. I've had several knee MRI's, I'm also a nurse in an orthopedic clinic; so speaking only from personal experience and the docs I work with, even when stabilizing the knee, there are twitches and tiny movements made that can show up that are impossible to keep from happening.
  2. Anybody know if the games will be streamed on the FSGo app? And if so, would anybody be willing to share a login?
  3. When did we start selling ou apparel?
  4. Let the koolaid flow forth from the Heavens above
  5. Wife and I are going to NYC towards the end of March for a medical conference. We're staying at a hotel in lower Manhattan. I need some ideas for must see, do, eat, tips for getting around, etc. Flying in on Friday and thinking of a Broadway show and dinner. Saturday I'll be exploring by myself until 2ish pm. Thanks ya'll
  6. I hope it gets to 999 and it gets closed down
  7. not to alarm anyone, but he's in the transfer portal
  8. “Hey, so, Shane and Cam are leaving...”
  9. I'd really like to win a game without depending on special teams or defensive TD's...we really don't have a lot of wins where we straight up outscore the other team on offense. Defense and special teams are part of the game. Fuck if I care if we score 10 TD's on D. Fucking win
  10. Last fucking thing we need is Sam making crucial decisions with the game on the line
  11. Play callers at Texas have a job requirement to be fucking retatded
  12. To be fair, roughly half of it has been utter bullshit
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