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Horn Dogg

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Horn Dogg

  1. Chris Plonsky has a desktop computer dedicated to watching all the posts on Surly in her Belmont sex den.
  2. He would probably do it if he and Fatterson could sit there and eat chicken wings all day.
  3. We should hire Jimbo as an analyst just for the LOL
  4. Fuck TCU now and forever! Glad to be leaving those bitches behind in the big 12.
  5. This tiebreaker shit is too confusing. Just win out and call it a day!
  6. This is why we need to learn to put teams away early
  7. I was just thinking the same thing. That guy was basically riding his neck.
  8. Take it over to the “fire PK” thread LOL
  9. Maalik won us 2 games when we needed him to. That’s a lot more than you or I contributed to our current record.
  10. Fuck the big 12 refs! Sweat makes Hoover look like a child.
  11. We are about to fuck them up. I don’t care what everyone else is worried about, we will win big!
  12. They just showed Jared Wiley giving some kind of pep talk. I can’t figure out what to think of that guy. I liked him as a Longhorn and I like him as a person. I guess I want him to have a bad game today and not get hurt.
  13. Now THAT…..is some stupid shit. Fuck TCU, we’re about to mudhole that ass.
  14. At least OSU will have teams to fear in their new big 12.
  15. Maybe OSU isn’t a lock for the CCG?
  16. Yeah, I really don’t know what could happen because we haven’t even started in the conference yet. I don’t really want to derail the thread and argue with everyone though, so I’ll just accept that my initial point wasn’t good and shut up about it.
  17. I don’t know what will happen. Let’s check back 10 years down the road and see how it went. Hopefully you’re right and it all goes smooth. I still don’t see us taking any bullshit from anyone if they try us though.
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