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Everything posted by hpslugga

  1. The future of the right need be dealt with in only one way:
  2. I was taught that it was a mixed bag of states’ rights and slavery at HP in the same period. The stuff about Lee and Grant someone else mentioned previously sounded about the same as what I heard.
  3. That would be the ultimate state of misery. Where the fuck would they actually go and what sort of employment opportunities exist? Couple that with the denial of federal government services and you're going to have a re-enactment of the fucking Dark Ages. And Bongino doubtlessly knows this, but he's just a shock jock that appeals to idiots' most basic instincts and feelings. My 6-year old daughter exhibits a superior intellect to this whenever she begs me to play Barbies with her.
  4. The only stupid ones they employ are the ones on camera. The motherfuckers off camera know exactly what they’re doing.
  5. The judge agreed with their argument, so make of that whatever you choose. But yes, the bigger takeaway is that Fox/NewsCorp/Murdoch explicitly instructed their attorneys to make that argument.
  6. I think that last sentence needs to be repeated as often as possible if this thread is to continue. That’s not just a personal opinion anymore; that’s a matter of public record…confessed to by lawyers of his employer, I might add.
  7. I don't necessarily agree with the premise regarding attorneys in general, but these guys? Yes, I too will believe it when I see it.
  8. Some men see things as they are and ask, “why?” Some men dream things that never were and claim “job creators.”
  9. He certainly did not help the effort, either.
  10. Wouldn't have been the right nuts to punch. Those belonged to one Fred Akers for 1) not starting Rob Moerschell at QB (in fact, making that decision right before the offense took the field for its first possession) and 2) that fatal 4th down decision in the 4th quarter.
  11. And what’s kept it going is that there are dozens of YouTube videos of these weirdos in court and they all contain the same people commenting about how they “schooled” the judge or they “destroyed” the prosecutor. Of course, they don’t show the inevitable follow ups on all of them, which is the judge actually considers the argument before categorically dismissing them in a subsequent session. They never show that; just the Moors and the sovereign citizens talking their shit.
  12. 1990-1994, and that’s sort of true. Detroit didn’t have one 1990-1991 and Atlanta had only a couple in name only but rarely used them.
  13. Son, in the good state of Texas, posting that picture even in jest is grounds for execution. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
  14. That man contributed more to the turning of bewildering inanities into a fucking language like no Texan ever did before, and imagine the territory that covers.
  15. Several years ago, there was a study done that found that Americans ranked at or near dead last in the industrial world in math, but ranked #1 in confidence in math skills. We're a walking, talking, breathing example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. I'm certain you feel you've explained everything.
  16. How the fuck is that war criminal still alive anyways?
  17. I'll repeat Christopher Hitchens re: Jerry Falwell's death, because it's very appropriate here: "I think it's a great pity that there isn't a Hell for him to go to."
  18. Are these things real or imaginary? Because if imaginary things are allowed, we’re in a lot of trouble because those on the right, that are inclined to get into this civil war talk, do not reside in reality. They live in a Fantasy World where Chairman Joe is sending in his socialist army of woke college students all over the red states to confiscate their guns and their bibles in order to more easily impose his radical environmentalist agenda of converting the US into Venezuela.
  19. If OnBoard had the foggiest idea of what socialism actually is, I'd be the first one to tell you. If OnBoard had the foggiest idea of even what fake socialism actually is, I'd be the first one to tell you. If OnBoard had the foggiest idea of what policies of the Biden administration even are, I'd be the first one to tell you. If OnBoard had the foggiest idea of how the US is actually "sliding into socialism [real or fake]" vis a vis these "policies," I'd be the first one to tell you. I haven't told you. No one else has, and no one else will.
  20. The only thing critical I'd have to say to General Milley would be: "You mean you didn't understand it already? It's not exactly an evolving concept, and it's not particularly new, either."
  21. It really is shocking to see the level of depravity at some of these institutions. What's especially shocking is that it's all in furtherance of a perceived future of success in fucking football. I remember the day Paterno got fired. They announced it at some press conference in the middle of the week and, IIRC, before the guy could even finish his fucking statement, some douchebag local reporter stood up and shouted off the first question: "BUT WHO'S COACHING THE NEBRASKA GAME ON SATURDAY?!!"
  22. I remember the pre-BCS system. Again just because that was a terrible system does not mean that the BCS was a good system. it was a terrible system and it was not the only option at the time.
  23. I already explained why it was a failure and it had nothing to do with what I wanted. That’s a canard.
  24. Oh that's been a well known ruse for quite some time. Here's an incomplete list of the fallacious ruses that have been offered in that fantasy world: "BUT TOO MANY GAMES!" "BUT INJURIES!" and its cousin ruse... "BUT THE NFL DRAFT!" "BUT PLAYERS CAN'T SEE THEIR FAMILIES AT CHRISTMAS!" "BUT THE REGULAR SEASON WON'T MEAN ANYTHING!" "BUT THE BOWLS WON'T MEAN ANYTHING!" "BUT FINAL EXAMS!" There have been others, but those are the big ones and they all fall under one of four distinct categories: 1. True but not indicative of the position (this is mostly a reference to the final exams excuse) 2. Not evidently true 3. Evidently not true 4. Fractal wrongness
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