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Everything posted by EE2B

  1. Wife is making Christmas bags for gifts for our daughters classmates. She needs to make 20 reindeer bags. The reindeer have red noses and come 3 to a pack. She told me she bought five packs and had plenty. I gave her the tommy Lee jones look and walked off. A few minutes later I heard her yelling when she finally figured out she needs to go back to the store.
  2. Wait, this actually happened? I thought it was just some bullshit joke.
  3. Let’s hope he doesn’t gnash his teeth and bite the recessed lady’s breast.
  4. This thread sent me down a 30 minute YouTube hole watching The Rock talk about pie.
  5. Can we get the thread title changed to “Gary Johnson Hates QBs, RBs and condoms”?
  6. My mom proclaimed to the family today that I only have a college degree because of my wife. I ask my wife where she was at in Calculus I-III, differential equations and calculus based physics.
  7. You are posting shit you made in this thread? lol
  8. Someone help me out here. How do we control our own destiny when we lost to West Virginia? We both will have two conference loses with our second one being to them. Wouldn’t that mean that they own the tiebreaker?
  9. That’s on you for listening to your wife when it comes to directions.
  10. Kids being sick sucks. I’d rather be sick ten times than they be sick once. The helpless feeling sucks. My five year old has strep so I just made the lovely 3am run all the way across town to the only pharmacy open for more fever meds. This shit needs to go away.
  11. No, she will spend the $20 on lunch one day and pay $500 for that monstrosity in celebration of her “win”.
  12. EE2B


    In the thread title.
  13. EE2B


    Would read again. Riveting!
  14. I can’t wait until he divorces her ass and she moves in with Mitch. We will have all kinds of epic stories.
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. I will absolutely be praying for you and your wife. My cousin experienced basically the same trauma that you and your wife are going through now. She joined a group called M.E.N.D. (Mother’s enduring neonatal death) that helped her deal with the travesty that you guys are going through. I’m pretty sure there is also an organization that will send out photographers and take pictures of the baby at a reduced cost or for free. Praying for you guys.
  16. EE2B

    Brush with greatness

    You’ve got a doppelgänger in the hood then. We got home just before it started. We were under a tornado warning and had some kids come through on a trailer trick or treating. The lady was like “I guess we should head back”.
  17. I figured this was a Chad Briscoe thread.
  18. EE2B

    Brush with greatness

    Wasn’t that you on the bike this afternoon? You should’ve come back for a beer and a picture lol
  19. Has anyone else listened to the podcast “Rebutting a Murderer”? It’s done by a reporter that covered the trial for a local newspaper. He can actually be seen in a some of the shots of press conferences in the series. He does a good job of bringing to light the things that Netflix glosses over or doesn’t even present in the series. It made me reconsider how I looked at the case.
  20. Depending on timing, you may be better off flying into Houston and driving. I believe it’s only a three hour drive, but it could save you some airport time. It also looks like you can get into Baton Rouge from Dallas, Houston or Atlanta, so I would think you could find something with a shorter connection time.
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