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Everything posted by Brew

  1. Several at our office have moved to the Remarkable device for note taking. I prefer typed notes, but I know of several partners I have that are using them.
  2. Rearranged or replaced, something is always getting moved. My siblings have all decorated their houses with our old furniture. When something shows up at the house, they lay claim to it now so they know who gets it when it’s replaced.
  3. Patios, sidewalk edges, and coping are all very light almost solid white so tile guy recommended sealing. Contractors had made a mess of it tracking mud across it. We’ll see what it looks like once it fades down. Patio color is another in the long list of things that my wife went with visual look over practicality. She has a keen eye for the most expensive long-term option available.
  4. Forgot to ask, are others sealing their travertine regularly? We had ours sealed and I’m not real happy with it. It really spotted up the travertine quite a bit. The porous pieces all look fine, but the harder surface pieces ended up super shiny. You can see it in that first picture. It’s not wet, that’s just what the surface look like now. It’s a weird look with the differences in the travertine surface although I’m sure it will fade down some.
  5. Finally done, or at least almost done. Still need the TV and we’re still having an issue with the pool lights, but in the grand scheme of things this project is just about complete.
  6. The biggest thing is finding something that is comfortable. Price point impacts that, but there are plenty of good options in your range especially in the semi-auto variety. If you go over/under it gets a little more narrow in options, but look at some used ones also. You can come across some reasonable priced used ones out there. I don’t think I ever realized the differences that the different price levels in over/unders got you. I messed with a Beretta SL3 yesterday and it was pretty amazing how balanced and easy to swing that gun was even versus the 694. I’m not spending the dollars on it, but I wouldn’t mind shooting one.
  7. I got that Winchester 1300 30 years ago on my 13 birthday. It’s amazing the difference in it and something like the A400. I could run 500 rounds through the A400 and not miss a beat, 100 through the 1300 and my shoulder was bruised for a week. I thought this 694 would be worse than it is because I’ve gotten so used to the gas shock system in the A400 stock, but it wasn’t bad at all. Think I’m still going to look at stock upgrades for it.
  8. https://one.bidpal.net/kybourbonbenefit/welcome They are hosting an auction for the KY flood victims similar to the tornado relief auction last year. There are some interesting things available.
  9. Didn’t think about it, but I also shoot with a guy that shoots a Franchi Affinity. He uses that gun for everything and shoots well with it. I would also look at a Winchester Super X4. It would be a good all around gun also because it has a gas release system to alleviate recoil and a few other things you find on a lot more expensive guns. You really need something that is designed for clay. I would look at some reviewed out there and find something that has a gas release system to cut recoil, a shock system in the stock, etc. I made the mistake of shooting my 1300 last year just to see what I could do with it. My shoulder looked like it had been kicked by a mule at the end of the day.
  10. I love my A400, but looking at them today the prices are up quite a bit over where I bought. A couple of the models set up for trap with adjustable weights and a few other things like I have were $2300, you could get the lower version in the $1700 range it looked like. I have a few guys that work for me that shoot CZ’s and have no complaints. The O/U’s can be had for under $1000, in fact they had a Teal marked down from $900 to $550 with a few scuffs on the barrel today
  11. It didn’t work as advertised. I did look the part while shooting though. Going to take me a little getting used to the balance on it versus the A400 I’ve been shooting.
  12. Decided to go look at over/unders this morning with some shoots coming up and ended up walking out with a Beretta 694. Wasn’t exactly planning on that, but it was a much better feel than the SP III’s. Hopefully it’s like my over priced golf clubs should have been and there is an immediate 10 shot improvement.
  13. Wife had it happen on her last vehicle which was an Expedition. It was early in this whole deal because the thieves sucked so bad they cut all the way through the floor board, broke their blade off, and left everything hanging including the half cut off converter. We never could figure out where it happened at, but that was all fun to get repaired.
  14. Reading through this thread, seems like utilities is the place where the government may actually be able to run things better than the private sector. Living under the TVA umbrella with all municipal utilities has been a bonus. Several utilities in KY tried to spin out of the TVA system and built their own power generation plants and they have been killed financially. They are sitting on massive debt that they can’t pay, the local cities (all fairly small) signed off on the bond issues and are on the hook, and it’s been one issue after another with them. We did some price consulting for them a few years back and it was clear then that there was a major problem coming.
  15. The older dog sleeps in his bed beside our bed, the puppy sleeps in a crate in the kitchen. My one rule when we got dogs was no dogs on the bed. The older dog waits until I get up in the morning and jumps on the bed to sleep with my wife. She’s already making comments about letting the puppy sleep where he wants so we’ll see how long the crate lasts.
  16. Someone needs to ask him what knowledge they are bringing that is going to help an elementary/middle school kid at this point in their education. At this point they are just trying to get babysitters in class rooms. It would have made a whole lot more sense to offer forgivable loans to veterans who want to finish out their degrees at a state school that is then forgiven if they teach for x number of years in a target school. I know several people that have graduated recently that are teaching at specific schools to get their loans forgiven. Both of our kids have been in private school since they were 2-3. The local schools here are a run down shit show and are in the middle of a constant battle with the county, city, NAACP, etc. I graduated from the public system and hated the private schools, but with 2 girls we had to do what was in their best interest long-term. I don’t think their education K-8 has been any better than mine was and in some cases I don’t think it was as good. The high school has made up for that. They focus on AP classes, ACT prep, have one college advisor per 25 or so seniors, etc. and really focus on pushing the kids to challenge themselves. It is really focused on what it takes to get scholarships for college.
  17. Always liked the lines on them, but I preferred the wake on the 205. With the right tower setup, the 205 was also a great looking boat although people routinely screwed them up with garbage towers or placing them in the wrong location.
  18. Partially to help cool the pool down at night during the summer, partially because I see/hear pump failure stories with running variable. I’ve had zero pump issues with the last two pools, so I just let it run.
  19. Pool company set ours at 12 hours on high and 12 at 25%. I run it at 75% 24/7 on the summer and 50% during the winter. Everyone I know that has it changing constantly burns pumps up.
  20. If someone wants to give me $90k+ for this one, show me where to sign. 3300 miles, optioned out other than a sunroof and the stupid yellow cab lights. I’ve turned into the suburb guy riding around in a 2500 series with nothing to pull. Of course, as soon as it sells I’ll go buy another boat or more toys and start the circle again.
  21. That pricing is nuts. My F250 Platinum was $72k in May. I’ll cut you a deal and sell it for $10k off the 350’s pricing for $92k.
  22. In reality, doesn’t that cover most everything discussed in this thread?
  23. Trump versus a smarter, more appalling version of Trump will be the GQP’s wet dream. This presidential election cycle is going to have a shit ton of money and conflict and a bunch of roads that lead to nothing good. Desantis’ last year is taking everything to a new level.
  24. Bonefish Malvaldo 26 or a Barker 26 Bay are my first two choices if I can get past the size or maybe even the Conch 25. Think I really need to go 22-24 if I go that direction though.
  25. Boat went under contract today, looks like the end is here for my 20+ year run of wakeboats. Kind of sucks the more I have thought about it. Been researching what stupid purchase I’m going to make to fill the empty garage slot, leaning towards a 22-24 foot bay boat I can also use at the home lakes but I can’t decide. May just sell the truck too and buy a Blackwing or something else dumb instead.
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