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Everything posted by Brew

  1. JD Martinez is showing out.
  2. Wake boat prices are past the point of stupid right now. At this rate I’m going to sit out another year or do something stupid like buy a new one. I’ve seen piles of ‘05-‘07 models in the $50k range. Damn boats were cheaper than that new.
  3. Maybe should have waited a little longer on those it looks like.
  4. In, guess I’m buying some more IBRX as well. Need to average down some anyways.
  5. He should initial them somewhere. Then when he buys them off Craigslist he could look for it, since there is at least a reasonable chance he’s bought his back.
  6. Based on her spending habits, you better call quickly:
  7. I’m sure my wife will be calling and bumping up my life insurance based on the cardio issues and us having round 2 of Pfizer in a week. That already isn’t my strong suit.
  8. You have until 5/17 to make retirement contributions. Nondeductible to Roth seems fairly well covered at this point. Simple process with no other IRA holdings.
  9. I have different definitions of old school than a few of you. When I think of old school candies, it's the stuff you only find in a Cracker Barrel or candy store now like Charleston Chews, the little two tone brown peanut butter bars, the lemonheads in a box, sixlets, etc.
  10. COVID and rain are going to keep this interesting.
  11. There is a lot to his story, but I will say due to medical circumstances there are reasons he rarely drives it that are legitimate. Some people want to see things they haven’t, some want to have things they have always wanted.
  12. Bad ass, met with a client today that has a ‘16 GT3RS that he has managed to put 500 miles on. He is working on ordering a ‘21 Turbo S now. I offered to drive them for him every other week or so to make sure they got some use.
  13. It is solid. We do one every few weeks instead of a standard roast. I go the rice route rather than the sammich route, but I may have to give that a shot. I go lighter on the butter with some beef broth for liquid and it still comes out fine. Brown gravy mix, ranch dressing mix, and a few peppers also.
  14. Not sure I’m going to make the draft time, so my team will definitely suck if not. To your point though, it will most likely suck either way. I haven’t looked at anything to this point, so I’m going to wing it as usual.
  15. That’s a horseshit draft order. I vote we randomize again.
  16. @Henry Hill Think he’s the only one missing in here, so this should catch him.
  17. Tuesday is better for me than Wed, but I can make 7 on Wed work if it’s better.
  18. The combined income tax for a NYC resident is variable, but anyone making $100k is going to be at a roughly 9% tax rate and probably 7% effective. That’s equivalent to what, paying property tax on a $500k house in Austin. That doesn’t even take into account the sales tax difference between the two.
  19. You do realize State And Local Taxes includes state income taxes also, right? You are capped at $10k on all state and local taxes.
  20. Any night is good for me, later the better. Set it up and let’s go.
  21. I've considered doing that in the mountains, but don't want to get fucked trying to get back in. Not worth it for as much as we use it. That’s what’s holding me back. We were there probably 16 weeks last year and will probably be at 12 this year. However, I can’t see how this market holds, so if I sold at the end of summer we would be good until next summer. Maybe it holds past that, but I can’t see how it does more than a year or two. I also had a plan to buy on the water in 5 years and we’re closing in on that. The island we’re on had probably 250 houses for sale when we bought 3 years ago with 50 or so under $1M. A couple weeks ago those numbers were 30 and 6.
  22. Buy the dip, then you double up when it runs. That assumes that it runs which based on the fact I bought again this afternoon is highly unlikely.
  23. Buying some more IBRX on the dip this week. If it dips much further, may go a little deeper.
  24. Market is stupid everywhere, buddy has been trying to buy a place at the beach and every decent property is getting 20+ offers. The contract that was taken on the last property was for $75k over whatever it appraised for. I think I may put mine up for some stupid number and see if anyone bites. I’ll wait for this shit to flip (assuming it does) and buy back then.
  25. Money is on a sliding scale, the more you make the more you spend. That goes by multiples for wives. 20 years ago I started at $27k in the accounting world. If I had started in the low 6 figures, I would probably be dead or unemployed at this point. I would have had a fun run, but my ass would have been in Vegas, at the beach, in the mountains, etc instead of working.
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