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Kevin O’Shea

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Everything posted by Kevin O’Shea

  1. Been pretty dissatisfied with his play - for the last 1.5 seasons.
  2. Miami needs a stadium among other things. That program sucks.
  3. 2019-2020 Dallas Mavericks: China’s original NBA team
  4. Our defense has been burned by guys like Aaron Jones and CJ Anderson
  5. Anyone ever come across this guy? He is a TV magnet. Surprised he doesn’t float around in a jet pack before games. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I don’t know if they’re the best team in state but they are certainly worlds better than Richardson Berkner. Haven’t noticed Thompson Jr because the other team can’t compete a pass beyond the LOS.
  7. JQJ’s back plate is a $100 bill Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Savion is a big mother fucker Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Going to watch Duncanville play tonight in Lake Highlands. Aside from Jackson, which other prospects should I watch for and are the Horns involved with any? Info would be appreciated.
  10. Imagine being a passionate UCLA fan. Nightmare.
  11. I like the loudness of the music and some of the choices, but they play it too often and loses its effect on me. For example when it’s 3rd and long in a tight game and the crowd is going nuts I think the bass from Pursuit of Happyness is cool and adds to the environment. I don’t need to hear it when it’s 3rd and short in the 1st qtr and the opposing team has the ball at their own 30.
  12. I know it could be our last night game but the Don’t Stop Believing was organic and cool last year vs Iowa State and now is generic and forced.
  13. As with all service academy’s I don’t understand how they balance football and Air Force training/classes. They must have zero free time. Pretty impressive.
  14. Tell me about Monterey/Carmel. Really tell me about it because I’m clueless. If I was planning a 5 day trip to the Bay Area is there enough to do there for two nights? Good food, places to stay, etc. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Angelos Brooklyn Pizza Masters Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Polo Bar didn’t disappoint. Cool place. Some hoe from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was at table next to us (no pics) but wife enjoyed that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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