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Everything posted by Napoleon

  1. Who are Texas’ TOP 5 Rivalries? 1) OU 2) Arkansas 3) A&M (I guess) 4) SMU ? 5) Rice / Baylor ? I’m stumped after the Top 3, because Kansas has only been basketball, TCU doesn’t register, Nebraska was only for about 15 to 20 years, and it was really one-sided, but it did also encompass women’s volleyball. LSU has never been what it could be. Just wondering who makes the TOP FIVE.
  2. In 5th grade, I was in Beginning Band. 1) Had a friend who was doing French Horn AND his left hand was in a soft cast from surgery or breaking it… ?? Anyway, it was a perfect mute cone that he had for the first 3 months of school, or so. 2) We spent more time listening to the teacher’s repetitive lecture than we did practicing. Band Master Mario Foster’s favorite sayings: A) “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” B) “You hear me, but you do not listen.” C) “[Random Student]! If you don’t stop talking, I’m going to plant my foot so far up your ass that we’re going to have to go to Nurse Eichenwald’s office to have it removed!” I was snare drum and we were in the back of the room. We spent so much time listening to him rant that I frequently did homework for the next class because the snare was a desk and the music stand was a blinder.
  3. I use “shat” for the simple past of “to shit”. I also probably still use “shat” for the past participle of “to shit” when former the present perfect, past perfect, future perfect, but not when converting the verb “shit” into an adjective like most verbs. I just use “shit” as the adjective.
  4. Probably taking class field trips to Target.
  5. I saw this game his second year and was pulling for the Broncos. A friend wasn’t feeling well and so I took his 7 1/2 year-old son to the game, so I was hoping for a home win for the kid. Didn’t happen. Instead, young Patricio Mahomes led his team to victory. ✌️ It happens… …a lot.
  6. New Orleans is such a repulsive shit hole. 😂 You do make it sizzle just like the last time I was there. I couldn’t wait to get our group together and get the fuck out of that hell hole. Yeah Mardi Gras!! (Or any number of days out of each year.)
  7. ESPN’s photo of Chip wasn’t quite so flattering. Just so flattering.
  8. Could you provide photos of these chicken fried steaks of which you speak? Photos of the sides would be optional.
  9. Can that girl be hired to work with 0.5 to 2.0 lbs of mine to improve muscle? She could be a wonderful personal trainer.
  10. Nope. Got distracted, lost sight of why I wanted to move there in the first place (write sitcoms), had no mentor and no focus and went to Argentina to take Spanish for two months in mid-late 2007. Seven-and-a-half years later, I moved back to the USA full time after taking Spanish, teaching English, giving city tours, running a small tour company, and picking up 🇦🇷 citizenship among other things. That said, my roommate on this wedding cruise/yachting trip in the Virgin Islands a few weeks ago was a middle school/high school buddy who is an Academy Award nominated documentarian and was heading back to LA before going to Sundance at the end of the week. Also on the wedding ship was the college suite mate of the groom who flew in from filming his Netflix (or Amazon?) series that he’s been doing for a few years. And a former roommate/Texas Ex from early in my time in LA has been a script supervisor, predominantly for kids shows, for over 20 years now.
  11. https://www.topspeed.com/most-iconic-ford-pickup-trucks-in-company-history/#1925-model-tt
  12. Correct! But I was already SAG after getting SAG Vouchers 2 out of the 4 days I was “Blue Collar Guy with Blue Collar Car” in the big Nicolas Cage jumping a flatbed tow truck by using its ramp up on the bridge over the Port of LA to get away from the cops as he was stealing his last car in “Gone In 60 Seconds” because I offered to keep the cooler of drinks for the extras up on the bridge in the back seat of my car. Then I got my 3rd voucher by hitting up my high school buddy’s suite mate from sophomore year at Princeton who cast me as an extra in an mental hospital in a scene from the cable show that he and his brother wrote & directed. Ahhhh… the glamour of Hollywood!
  13. Yep, I think that this was the one. No doxxing, because I would have had to contact IMDB and insert myself in the cast list. Would say: [Napoleon]…………Ghoul #2 (Uncredited)
  14. 2025 he’ll be back up to speed, but he’ll see time in 2024 and will not look right.
  15. Was supposed to be and extra (“background), “Ghoul #2”, for an episode of some new spooky kids series around the year 2000 (or 2001) and the episode was being directed by Anson Williams… a.k.a. “Potsie”. I was supposed to be quiet in the scene, but Potsie could tell that it would be stupid for the two ghouls in the scene to be quiet, so he gave me the line “ARRRRRRR!!!!” That took my one day pay from about $130 to $800. I will always respect him for that. SIDE NOTE: I had to sit in a chair in the Hair & Make Up trailer for 2-3 hours getting my ghoul face & head professionally done. During that time, some attractive teen actress popped in to get touched up. She was definitely a “15 will get you 20” age and that was much younger than I was, but I could see in the mirror that “the camera loved her.” About two years ago, I discovered that that girl was about a 15 year-old Kaley Cuoco. Potsie had an eye for talent.
  16. It has a bit of that classic Copa America vibe to it. Normally they play 18 games to eliminate 4 teams. The World Cup in 2026 will just be 4X that scale.
  17. Napoleon

    Toby Keith RIP

    I kind of recognized the name when his passing was mentioned on ESPN, but couldn’t remember why his name sounded familiar. I can’t name a single song of his, but may recognize 1 to 3 of his songs. 🤷‍♂️
  18. Lionel is coming to The Winstar, just across the Red River from DFW, some time in the next month or two.
  19. Naomi Osaka was up 5-4 and at 30-30 on Danielle Collins’ serve to take the first set 6-4. How did the match go from: Osaka 5 [30] Collins 4 [30] Would you believe… Osaka 5 0 Collins 7 6
  20. These threads that ask for responses that tend to have a linked YouTube video with each post always crash on my phone. iPhone 14 (Pro Max)… -SAFARI crashes -CHROME crashes Does this happen for other people? Page 1 of this thread crashed several times and I gave up. Posting this on Page 2 because it is still early and isn’t crashing my phone. Maybe posting videos behind …👆SPOILER folders would be a good idea.
  21. Yes, I regularly had to wait for a protest to pass to enter one of the HSBC corporate buildings where I taught English classes around lunch or at the end of the day. The Plaza de Mayo (the main square), the Congreso (in front of the Congress building), and in the “microcentro” (downtown banking & business district) are where the largest number of protests occur. I think that it was early 2013, but maybe 2014, an American amiga of mine in BA who also worked/works in tourism posted on Facebook that she a a news item that said: ”In the previous year, there were an AVERAGE of 4 (FOUR) protests a day in Buenos Aires.” Don’t know if those averages were just for weekdays (when nearly all of the protests happen) or if they included the weekends in that average, but I definitely laughed and nodded my head. For the people whose lives don’t take them to the city center, they would see one or two protests a year.
  22. How’s your Portuguese?
  23. My sister is in town (Dallas) and said that “there is some tennis thing at SMU and people in her hotel are part of it… or something.” I looked up the tour and saw that the boys are back in town. Lots of good Americans in the tournament this year. Basically Fritz & Korda are the top American guys not here, but about 4 to 6 are guys I’d buy a ticket to see.
  24. Like the Waylon & Springsteen stories. Bandaid’s song was always so much better than USA For Africa’s song. Always. It’s nice when lots of people get together for songs & concerts.
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