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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. Why are virtually ever original adult swim show so very weird?
  2. Honestly know very little about Cristobal, why is he dirty?
  3. I've heard this a few times on the show, mostly by Paulie, but what exactly does half a fag mean?
  4. Why should i pay for her to get fatter?
  5. I know it's a tragic story, but i'm shocked that there hasn't been a woman's driving joke yet in this thread yet.
  6. I'm very biased, but the KU/Duke OT game last year was really good as well.
  7. I'll take the vegas chick, Sarah Shahi. Even though she was in only one episode, definitely the hottest on the show.
  8. I always liked Rosalie and Svetlana.
  9. Comedy- It's Always Sunny Arrested Development Community Veep Drama- Breaking Bad The Wire The Sopranos Mad Men
  10. Yes, i thought Jonah's campaign was the funniest part of the show. I also want him to win the presidency next season.
  11. Since he hasn't been mentioned, Papa Doc, the dictator of Haiti. http://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,876967,00.html
  12. Historically and or recently, how powerful is the Chicago Outfit compared to any of the five families?
  13. Good so Garrett can heal from his injury.
  14. Another new Jenny Lewis song
  15. Ha, stupid me just mixed up the last 2 places Taggart coached at.
  16. I mean he did just recruit the #1 player, so he must be doing something right. Last year was underwhelming.
  17. http://www2.kusports.com/news/2019/feb/04/4-star-prep-de-steven-parker-commits-ku-football/ Kansas just signed a 4 star DE BTW Jhawk do you think Sims/Wise/Dineen have a shot at being drafted?
  18. I was here, it was awesome.
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