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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. This band hasn't been mentioned (i think), might not be their most well known but i think it's the Kinks best
  2. I will say i do like that there is more Monica this season, but i'd be better if she did all her scenes naked.
  3. Exile on Main Street is very overrated and i don't know why most people think it's the Stones best. The songs all sound the same.
  4. Remember when there was a big meltdown when it looked like Herman might not come to Texas? Simpler times....
  5. It's probably because i'm a (wannabe) bass guitarist that i'd put Money as the best Pink Floyd song, with Lucifer Sam a very close second
  6. A Day in the Life Anyway, my submissions:
  7. My vote for Stones song is Paint it Black
  8. I'm not even that excited because unfortunately we all know Bama will manage to finagle their way into the playoff
  9. My favorite old/black and white movie. This scene might not be my favorite, but i love the camera angle of Ripper as he's completely lost it.
  10. I like being a man and strongly recommend it.
  11. I'm hearing a lot recently about movies, characters etc that are empowering to women. Are they so fragile that they need to be constantly told so? /no sexist...maybe a little.
  12. I know i'm opening myself up to many jokes on this, but i'm a very curious person so i'm willing to take the risk. Cuck Porn, who watches that shit? What types of people like it?
  13. Myself, i was getting a Bender from Breakfast Club vibe because of the coat and the layers
  14. These announcers are way too happy when KU has a good play
  15. Jenny Lewis at the Met on October 26th.
  16. "Those who stay will be champions"- Bo, never won a natty
  17. First i've heard of the overrated chant in the 3rd quarter
  18. Where did KU's offense come from? Pleasantly surprised
  19. What does Jesus getting crucified thousands of years ago have to do with my sins?
  20. This team may not be good, but they do have a knack for creating turnovers, so they have that going for them.
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