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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. ulimately, that was what mcconnell was most effective at. virginia got the most dollars per capita from the federal government, for what should be obvious reasons. second most? KY. mitch lubed up the rest of the united states and got us to give $18,743 net per kentuckian in 2021. https://rockinst.org/issue-areas/fiscal-analysis/balance-of-payments-portal/
  2. we should probably find some tungsten plates and on them mathematically describe the mechanism for global warming, so that if anyone comes around in another few hundred million years, finds a layer of plastic in the geological records, and realizes they're the second civilization on this planet, maybe they'll find the warning and take heed.
  3. midday show on the local NPR affiliate interviewing a couple of guys. one said that joey b wasn't backing ukraine enough. when it was pointed out that joey b asked for more support from congress, he complained that the republicans couldn't agree to it because of all the border stuff. i'm seriously shocked that more people haven't lost their eyes while trying to tie their shoelaces in the morning.
  4. i go to amc for the raspberry vanilla coke from the freestyle. fight me. ftfy
  5. Jesus Christ some of you must be scared of your own shadows.
  6. It was Singapore, not Chengdu. They probably beat you to death with sticks if you sell mislabeled meat.
  7. it probably is but it doesn't have to be "because mass production" is the point.
  8. best fast food fried chicken sandwich i had until popeyes was the chicken chop from mcdonalds in singapore. it was a whole boneless thigh.
  9. it's got a list of maintenance and repair issues to address. could easily spend $2,000 or more fixing some things. but every month i drive it i'm saving $700 in payments and insurance easily. with $0 in depreciation. and car shopping is a giant pain in the ass. and fuck current interest rates. might keep it even if buy something else, it's too cheap to run to get rid of.
  10. i really think part of it is that the bible is seen as unchanging, so change is seen as weakness.
  11. the republican party's primary goal for the last century has been to shove the burden of income taxation down the income/wealth curve to get a sufficient number of poors on board with killing it. nevermind that they'd absolutely be worse off under any other system capable of remotely funding the government necessary for any post-agrarian economy.
  12. This is utter horseshit, Chrispy.
  13. Government does multiple things at once, film at 11.
  14. Tens of billions for new transmission (which is the real problem, generation has gotten so cheap it’s connecting and moving the electricity that’s the issue) but “no plan” https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/10/30/fact-sheetbiden-harris-administration-announces-historic-investment-to-bolster-nations-electric-grid-infrastructure-cut-energy-costs-for-families-and-create-good-paying-jobs/
  15. WEC season kicks off with the Qatar 1812km on Saturday. WEC is available as an add on for Max subscribers as well as being available thru the motortrend streaming service.
  16. Pay? Did simpcity go down again?
  17. The further enshitification of the enshitification thread
  18. AI powered menu board that recognizes the weather outside, the time of day, and reads your license plate so it knows you really want a frosty at 3 pm when it's 100° in july february, and plays an animation asking if you've ever dipped fries into your frosty and sells you on a combo when you pull up? not a terrible use of compute resources. this bullshit? no.
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