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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. What are you using to stream desktop to tv?
  2. i guess the 737 had to one-up the 777's wheel falling off yesterday
  3. it's always the people shouting 'personal responsibility' who don't want to take any
  4. i really need to make some more pickles. and kimchi.
  5. as a former high school academic decathlete, this hits close to home
  6. (still making my way through the 1812) lap 78/335 commentary is talking about GT3 cars being a mix of family sedans and supercars: "the kind of cars that give jeremy clarkson trouser trouble" 🤣
  7. At this point, Ted Cruz is just takes that catturd thought sucked
  8. I’m going to assume Wendy’s selling burgers for $1 is to try to make people forget about this dynamic pricing mess
  9. US will be building a temporary port in Gaza for humanitarian aid https://www-cbsnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/biden-gaza-port-us-military-humanitarian-aid-state-of-the-union/?amp_js_v=0.1&amp_gsa=1#webview=1&cap=swipe
  10. I heard that yesterday and was enraged by Exxon’s ceo blaming the population at large for not doing enough to combat this problem. Hope that guy gets slowly fucked with a rusty cactus
  11. The Sea Creatures That Opened a New Mystery About MH370 Could freaky barnacles do what advanced technology couldn’t — find the missing plane? https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/mh370-search-debris-barnacles.html
  12. we can all read what you and he wrote and this is a retcon. half this country doesn't vote so assuming anyone votes any particular way isn't a great bet.
  13. In what world is stanning for those falsely convicted of rape stanning for rapists? False accusations of rape leading to felony convictions, loss of the franchise, and the death penalty were some nasty features of a certain time period of this country's history. So who is stanning for what, exactly?
  14. 58 entries for Sebring, 11 GTPs, 13 P2s, 12 GTD Pros and 22 Am racers https://sportscar365.com/imsa/iwsc/58-entries-for-12h-sebring/
  15. The United Airlines Boeing 737-924 departed George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston on March 4, 2024, shortly before 18:25 local time, when around 10 minutes into the flight the 737’s engine began to surge causing flames to sputter from beneath the wing. https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/united-airlines-boeing-engine-fire-houston
  16. elfenix

    Texas Primaries

    one stat from the 2018 election was that native texans voted for beto, while transplants voted for cruz. so it's partly due to people moving here for the "texas miracle" veneer the republican party has been selling for the last 30 years.
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