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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by elguapo

  1. I've heard that slorch gets his kicks by giving handies behind walmart. Could be bullshit... could be a problem.
  2. I'm just pointing out that blaming Austin City Council for property tax increases appears to be misguided.
  3. This is how our Republican leaders in Texas have decided public education should be funded.
  4. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/11/03/us/elections/results-nevada-president.html
  5. The AP is still calling AZ for Biden https://apnews.com/article/ap-explains-race-calls-0b1988605f9101f4b799fc63b01e0090
  6. Did y'all get the band replaced yet? I hear there's a band a couple hours away that'll play anything you tell them to without worrying about hurting any snowflake feelings.
  7. So annoying when you don't realize you are reading an RD post until halfway through it.
  8. I don't think Shanahan will end up being the hire, but damn would it be fun to watch his running scheme shred Big 12 defenses.
  9. It's only a matter of time before Sanders jumps, unless we give him a reason not to.
  10. That’s not going to happen until we have a job opening.
  11. Keeping Tom Herman employed as HC is actively harming the Texas football program. What further evidence is needed that this clown needs to go immediately?
  12. 5* QBs typically aren’t waiting around for programs to get their heads out of their asses and hire a real HC before they commit. They want to commit early and start recruiting other blue chip players to their school of choice.
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