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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigHorn'13

  1. Oh absolutely. The only thing I can surmise is that Sark wanted to keep ou on their heels. That shit should've stopped though once the ball crossed the 50.
  2. This guy gets it. No one's arguing that the defense didn't suck yesterday. The argument is/was let's not put them in a position to suck again and cost us the game. And sure enough, they did.
  3. This is the part that gets me and what people aren't understanding here. The game was already tied. We were already on our side of the 50. Multiple injuries in ou secondary. At that point, you're playing against the clock. Go for it on 4th, against their ST unit no less, and you've got a more than decent shot to pick up the first and continue to drain clock and win. If you don't get the first, then you've still burned time and the game is still tied. With kicking the FG and kick off, giving it to them automatically at the 25 (WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE SQUIB DOWN THE MIDDLE?!), what's the big difference in yards? Like 7 or so putting them at the 32?
  4. This has already been discussed on its own thread but that play call was the proverbial nail in the coffin. I really hope Sark woke up this morning or even better yet, right after the FG thinking "fuck!" The guy is an OC at heart. He needs to stop with the whole "complementary football" bullshit. Especially in games like this. Other than the goal line stand, he had the offense rolling in the second half. Quinn finished, what, something like 31 of 37? And Brooks had another 100+ yard outing? Fuuuuck this shit sucks. 24 hours later it still fucking burns.
  5. So then they've got over a minute to go ~50 yards and undo what you've just done. Utilizing an offense that is a 2 minute drill at all times. Bold move, cotton...
  6. Simple analogy to help with those not understanding why our ending possession was bad game management-- Remember the end of the bama game when we burned over 7 minutes of clock and took victory formation INSIDE field goal range? This game was tied but why wasn't the same strategy applied? Kill clock, kick game winning FG, stay undefeated.
  7. Haven't seen it mentioned but in addition to that play call, not putting the ensuing kickoff on the ground to burn more time and at the very least, make them think and/ or be uncomfortable with the situation was bad game management. "Oooh shit, we're up by 3 and giving it back with over a minute. Their offense is basically a 2 minute drill at all times... hmm... Welp, let's just kick it out of the end zone and concede 25% of the field. That'll show'em!"
  8. You serious, Clark? And the refs fucking us while we're fucking ourselves isn't mutually exclusive. Both things happened today.
  9. That's why having a great HD antenna comes in handy. Backup plans were in short supply today...
  10. How in the ever living fuck... And the shitty ball spots on at least 2 downs... "But why would they stick it to Texas when both teams are leaving?" Well, because one says Texas on the jersey.
  11. This shit here. D has been great all year and is flashing in the game but can't sustain anything
  12. Fucking a, man. Like this ain't a rivalry game or anything... what even happened?
  13. @Armybratis @immamac? @immamacis @Armybrat?!! Have fun everyone!
  14. He had 2 NFL RBs ahead of him and now that it's his time to shine, he's picking up right where he left off in HS. I'm not a scout for the NFL or even a fan of its product but I'm sure some team will look at his situation as a positive. Especially considering the shelf life of the position.
  15. San Antonio says what up! Fuck cps and saws And they'll be able to read and control your thoughts, too!
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