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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Why are predominantly Christian raised people shooting others?
  2. Weird how powerful the NRA became. How pervasive their influence became on the right. https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals
  3. And we should care specifically about them vs the core group of perpetrators, why? Why are you glossing over the religion element here? No doubt, most of the perpetrators of mass shootings were raised in Christian households. Taught to hate everyone not like them.
  4. The right wants to make this a trans issue, cause you know, out of the hundreds of mass shootings, this was the first by trans. I want to make this about a religious issue. Because since this shooter went to a private christian school, they obviously groomed this shooter to hate.
  5. Then all you need is a shotgun are we are a VERY long way away from the government thinking about justifying taking those. This slippery slope fear of yours is obfuscation.
  6. Here we go again.... As a gun owner, do you feel regulated? Well regulated? The whole idea of gun ownership in this country is so off the mark of what the amendment says, means, or intended for. Your philosophy on guns stems from a perverse fever dream of standing against some tyrannical government. With the grand irony of you helping in building a tyrannical government.
  7. Ya know, part of me thinks we should lean into this. How fast would the GOP be calling for gun contol if those woke lefties are gunning down Christians?
  8. It matters because Russia utilized Facebook to sow discord throughout our society in the previous two elections. That was on a platform housed and operated here. Imagine what is possible with a platform completely controlled by a state government who wants to knock America off sole superpower status. This isn't benign. All social media platforms are a net negative on society, tik tok has the potential to be the worst once fully activated.
  9. Fatty should be around soon to talk about the rounds used and how much fun "assault rifles" are.
  10. What's the chatter? A trans woman? Cause that would do it.
  11. Whoa whoa whoa, did the prayers not work? At a Christian school???!!!! God loves guns more than children.
  12. Yes, take our culture to share with your people. That'll show us.
  13. That's going to give me persistent genital arousal disorder
  14. Interesting power play between Japan and China on who and how they are supporting Ukraine/Russia. We are all about to party like it's 1940 with the same cast of characters, just new cliques.
  15. Just found this at Twin Liquors
  16. As long as it's not in July cause I'll be there. K thanx
  17. All booked up for late June. 2 nights in Edinburgh, 2 nights in Isle of Skye and 2 nights in Inverness. Then off the Netherlands for a month. So excited.
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