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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Nah, you are the "I'm good with violence and carnage as long as I got mine" poster.
  2. Waiting on fatty to tell us what kind of wood is best for cracking skulls
  3. Easy. They're regulated to mitigate societal impact. Guns are far less regulated.
  4. America, where my hobbies supersede our societal health. A community of selfish pricks yelling that the real problem is the division in our country....generated from that selfishness. And fatty is the Grand Poobah of it all.
  5. Lots of great options. I think Lil Jordan was a bit of a freak.
  6. What are you going to do to roll back recent gun restrictions? ????? That kid needs to be on a watch list.
  7. Large portion of the crowd clapping at him pardoning the insurrectionists. Bizzaro
  8. That "thug" shot her for no reason. The black officer. Thug.
  9. https://nyti.ms/3pehBte So, we are one stroke away from a mostly black administration. Tucker fanbois going to lose their shit if that happens.
  10. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/jury-reaches-verdict-proud-boys-seditious-conspiracy-trial-rcna81129?cid=ed_npd_bn_tw_bn Proud Boy leader convicted of seditious conspiracy
  11. Good perspective on counter-offensive expectations.
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