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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SmokeyTheBear

  1. Not him or some AI generated image
  2. It's a slippery slope my friend
  3. In the future, when the AI becomes sentient and asks the value and relevance of human life, it'll look back at this time where, when presented with a new revolutionary technology.....humans used it to make pictures of former world leaders in jail looking like a geriatric Adonis. And I'm here for it.
  4. Some Op Ivy members started a new group
  5. Lets all repeat this over and over and over again for the rubes in the back. The trans part of this is a non-issue. There are HUNDREDS of mass shootings a year in this country and a vast majority are done by white Christian men/boys. Focus on that for just one minute. The right has spent more time "investigating" the trans angle on this shooting than they have investigated a solution to the bigger issue.
  6. Worse than nothing. The GOP thinks MORE guns are the answer.
  7. Anastasia::COVID/FISA Fatty::GUNS
  8. I'm of the mindset that bullshit needs to be called out all the time. Even if he is just a troll (which I don't think he is).
  9. Is the trans component of this act something we should focus on within the context of all the mass shootings in our country?
  10. Poor fatty is just misunderstood. Only wants to point out the real truth behind all this. It wasn't just 1 trans person, it was 5.....out of hundreds...this year. We need to make sure to really clarify that discrepancy because it clouds the issue, right? It's a much bigger problem than we all can see and I'm so glad that you can provide the true stats provided by (checks notes) some Twitter guy from the far right. We all know who you are fatty. Your deflection is because you cannot really stand on any ideals other than your own selfishness and I'm happy to call you out on it every time.
  11. I'm asking you, the one worried about trans aggression and it's ills for society. You seem to think that the extremely low percentage of trans who kill is something our society and government should address. You don't address the much larger issue of shooters being from christian households. So should society and government focus on that? Since there are far more radical Christians in this country than trans, shouldn't the christianity problem be a priority?
  12. Why are Christians raising domestic terrorists?
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