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MC Fresh Breath

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MC Fresh Breath

  1. I'm not going to read and search for all the op-eds on his firing, but I hope they are mentioning his anti-vaxx stance in regards to Covid and how he's directly responsible for untold numbers dying. Perhaps a certain poster should consider that when measuring his "worth", but I know that won't happen.
  2. About 2 years old now but you might like "The Warriors Awakening...Brings the Unholy Slaughter" by Eternal Evil.
  3. was grooving on this one just last night. Festival looks cool, but have to admit I don't know a good chunk of those bands. Know most of the 'big'ones.
  4. ^^ ^^ Nice! Saw that one today at the store.
  5. The rest of the haul. Impressive amount of folks for the store in town. Overwhelming majority were aiming for a Taylor Swift record. Neighbor kid snagged one. Apparently a huge deal for those who are fans. Edit to add more of the ODB and Orb/LSP. These are really nice. Had no idea what I was getting as I had not researched record store day releases this year. Quality stuff. Most picture discs don’t do much for me but these really pop in person.
  6. Happy Record Store Day! Edit for more pics. Pyrite vinyl.
  7. eh, probably just the crabs he got from your mom.
  8. Pointing out your cringiness is not the same as being sanctimonious. If I monitored all the threads for said cringiness (as you would apparently have me do) then perhaps your "Karen" descriptor would be apt. My interactions with you indicate you're always going to argue for the last word, so I'll stop now. Perhaps though, think about how you appear to the outside world when you start describing your ideal pre and post boob job figures in a politics thread. Some introspection would do you good.
  9. Aside from everything already in this thread, definitely recommend going through King Buffalo's entire catalog on whatever service you enjoy. Love the Fu and Sleep. QoTSA of course (to me Rated R had the most 'stoner' quality to it.
  10. https://purplesneakers.com.au/news/artists-backlash-against-new-spotify-discovery-feature/DV2zAQADAgU/16-03-23
  11. https://mashable.com/article/spotify-tiktok-fyp-missing-the-point I've been on Spotify for well, a super duper long time. Maybe not much longer though....
  12. Sums up how I feel. https://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2023/03/15/the-mandalorian-just-gave-us-the-worst-episode-of-the-entire-show/?sh=237a02938442 that episode fucking sucked.
  13. "The Republicans made me do bad things" is peak blue check dem.
  14. Well… https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/13/politics/willow-project-alaska-oil-biden-approval-climate/index.html#:~:text=The Biden administration has approved,owned by the federal government.
  15. I just found this one with Randy and Clutch. He seems to be having a lot of fun.
  16. https://apnews.com/article/2128da75fc27ff3bcc0c3804ebd98aa7 welp.
  17. Well, of course. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/bill-lee-tennessee-governor-drag-b2290642.html
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