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honolulu horn

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Everything posted by honolulu horn

  1. Strangely similar to my standard routine for taking a dump
  2. Back to the bull running wild video. If this is ever a still photo of you, well then you've lived a hell of a life, friend.
  3. From Cape Town, South Africa, pacing myself on the waves before the game kicks off at 10:30pm local... TEXAS!!!
  4. Look, I applaud your wife or going the extra mile and getting you some swag about something you care passionately about. That's pretty dope. Good on her. Still, you should probably slap her for purchasing this abortion of a shirt.
  5. Express VPN is working like a charm in South Africa as well. I've used it in lots of different countries without issue. I'd start there.
  6. Average margin of victory this season has been 35-13, but I agree. Seems like we should have a big blowout in there somewhere. Then again, it's pretty preposterous to imagine us ever beating anyone with a score of 49-0 or something. That'd be crazy. 😉
  7. Yes. You've mentioned that several times. I like the attitude and the approach. I just don't see the harm in rubbing in a little disrespect motivation in there. I like that he is building confidence, telling them that they belong at #3 and that they are a great team. But aligned with that, IMHO, could be reminding them that those fucking toddlers from KU are eager to celebrate on our home field for the second time in a row. If he wants to look forward, maybe also look forward to how good they will feel slaying another demon and putting another pretender in the basement.
  8. I get that, but this year we have played a lot better on the road than at home, which suggests to me that this team responds to "disrespect" pretty well.
  9. FFS. Now I'm in South Africa but that's still 2am here. Dude, think about your global audience when you pick a commitment time. Branding!
  10. What time does Baker commit? I'm in Dubai, it's the middle of the afternoon, and I'm getting impatient. You'd think being from the future would have more advantages.
  11. "Can't look past Kansas. But looking forward to resting our guys and getting ready for Oklahoma!"
  12. So easy. Fuck you Baylor. Empty the stadium of anyone in green.
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