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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. Yeah...we're right down the street too. Wife walked the doggos by this morning and got the scoop from a lady out there filming.
  2. I'm really surprised Julius Whittier hadn't been more prominently featured by the program up to this point. Better late than never I guess.
  3. Started Hightown last night. Its pretty good so far. Crime Drama set in Provincetown Cape Cod/Mass. Lesbian, addict Fish/Marine cop discovers a body washed up by the tide. Small town Cop show ensues..
  4. Whole roasted chicken last night. She usually does a great job with it.. Breaking down the remaining bird after we were finished. Sure enough...giblet bag in the cavity. SMH She said she pulled out a bag...which I suppose is a possibility? Or she pulled the neck out and left the bag. anyway, we didn't die and the bag didn't seem to melt.
  5. Oversharers. People that put all their business out there in person or on social media. STFU...nobody cares
  6. Not at all, they were that mild. The danger of this is the fact that so many people can be asymptomatic or like me, showing very little in the way of symptoms, that they go on with life, unknowingly spreading it.
  7. Wife and I tested positive over the weekend. Happy 4th, right?! We had a very mild version, I guess. No fever. I had like 2 days of body aches, a little cough. She had a little nausea and some congestion. Wife was exposed by a co-worker on the 22nd, so we're on the tail end of our 14 day period. I guess we'll see what this week brings, but according to her Dr. we should be good to go..
  8. I'm probably late to the game and I'm sure it's mentioned pages ago, but Black AF is fucking hilarious.
  9. I love True Crime stuff, so I'll keep watching. It think it's amazing this guy got away with this shit for 40 years. I guess being a cop helped in that regard. They mentioned his "excessively" small donger in the 1st episode too. Got a chuckle outta that.
  10. Probably this weekend. We watched the Wrong Missy too. It was tolerable and kind of funny. That crazy chick gave me anxiety though
  11. Really diggin this show. Never saw one episode of the TV series, so no frame of reference. It's got a True Detective type vibe to it. Oh and Chubby Carmichael was packin. No Homo.
  12. Another vote for Eurovision sucking. Fighting with my Family wasn't good either. Speaking of new wifes....my wife picked these 2. I can't shake my head enough at her selections.
  13. my first thought was Scott Frost..but yeah probably Fitzgerald.
  14. When people park at the pumps at a gas station just to run in. Fuck you.
  15. Maybe it's my Nordic genes, but I think I have a fairly high pain tolerance. I've broken several bones(ankle, tibia, wrist, fingers). All sucked, but manageable 2 things stand out: 1- Having an intense gout attack in my foot several years ago was pretty much at the top of the list. I used to get it in my foot/ankle the most. Excruciating pain almost to the point of nausea. A bed sheet shifting across my foot was enough to almost bring me to tears. 2- Dog bite- The bite itself wasn't all that bad, required a few stitches. Went to get it looked at at an Urgent Care place. The tear was on the palm of my hand. Doc goes to clean it out, but doesn't numb the area...proceeds to squirt a bunch of saline solution directly in the wound for what seemed like minutes. You could see the fat/muscle in my had moving around.
  16. Getting beat out by a younger player during a pandemic and no practicing is the 2020 version of Craig getting fired on his day off.
  17. Interesting. We're right around the corner and haven't been there in years. Never really understood how it was still in bidness...
  18. Only walked out of Hot Shots Part Deux and we actually dipped into another theater to watch something else. Not all was lost. Speaking of Jennifer Love Hewitt, a buddy and I went to see Can't Hardly Wait on opening weekend while at UT. We were the only non teens and were only there to see JLH's tits bounce around. So hot.
  19. Good article in a recent SI about him and the Serbian Way. Basically teaching positionless basketball all the way from youth to whenever... https://www.si.com/nba/2020/05/28/nikola-jokic-nuggets-the-serbian-way
  20. Planning a trip to Red River, early August..
  21. tuscan kale salad has been on our menu the last few weeks. Delicious. Chopped kale, minced garlic, olive oil, lemon juice, pecorino, red pepper flakes...toasted croutons.
  22. Demilitarization would be a first step. The tanks, armored vehicles, and showing up with $100K in tactical gear on is over the top. Agree with defense funds coming from pension More extensive training and background checks
  23. A case can be made for any one of those guys, and yes, system and surrounding cast would factor in. I'm leaning towards Payton as my PG1. As much as I hate Stockton as a Rockets fan, he was damn good. Dirty as a MF'er, but damn good. My hate for him prevents him from being on my team.
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