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Everything posted by Tylerocks

  1. The still shot of that 3rd and one play is triggering me all over again. 3 clearly better options( Smith, Whittington, tuck and run) than firing a 30 yd pass to a RB. With those options available to the QB, it was a great call. Poorly executed. Take what the D gives you, motherfucker.
  2. Don't go to many high school games, but went to the 2003 5A State championship game at Rice. Bobby Reid and North Shore dominated the Woodlands. Danny Amendola was on that Woodlands team.
  3. I'm guessing a couple things: 1- Disagreement on coaching/roster moves 2- Tillman is losing his ass and figures that a complete rebuild while attendance/support is already at an all time low is the best route to take. Fucking 2020, man.
  4. Gary Barnett should be available
  5. Shit. Show. This entire program. This entire Athletic Dept.
  6. Yeah...you want to be the guy after the next guy. The poor sap that takes this gig is going to suck balls for a few years, and hopefully sets the table for the NEXT guy to take that step. This franchise is such a mess. Minimal talent, no depth, no 1st or 2nd round picks the next 2 years, no tradeable assets. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
  7. Man, this is disappointing to read. Was going to head to one here in Houston on Saturday morning. Closest one is 11 miles away, I was ready to take a beer and some mustard packets and eat in my car to avoid losing the crispiness on the way home. Guess I'll smoke some wings instead.
  8. Last night's episode was great. Yeah, "Eva" and Topsy were indeed creeptastic.
  9. Jesus fuck. What happened to our interior line? Sweat/Coburn are getting fucking worked
  10. Going into this week I had been contemplating which of out first 2 games was the anomaly. Not really in question anymore. This has been a horrendous game to watch. Ash and Yurcich haven't shown me shit.
  11. I don't mind a B&B pickle now and again. Store bought, it's hard to beat Clausen for me. Made some homemade ones a few weeks ago from cucumbers from the farmers Market. Did both chips and spears. They were excellent. Need to do another batch. They're much easier to do than I anticipated..
  12. You know who prints money (or at least I assume they do)...the owner/operator of the Chick Fil A in the park shops downtown. 11-2(or 3) that line is 20 deep for 4-5 hours. It's a machine. Also, a friend from middle and high school owns and operates the Chick Fil A on Buffalo Speedway/Holcombe. I imagine that's a cash cow
  13. Crazy reading about this today. Made a comment to my father in law and another friend via text that it looked like Shawn Watson was still calling plays. Interesting
  14. Watched most of this game to check out Brandon Jones and Collin Johnson. Jones didn't start but played a ton..and played well. Johnson played a bit mostly on 3rd downs, but ended up staying on the field during their hurry up in the 4th. Had a red zone/end zone target on a fade (inc)..probably should have had it. Minshew never really looked his way even when he was coming open or wide ass open. It seems like Minshew knows where he's going before the ball is snapped...and most of those were safety/underneath routes.
  15. I guess it would be appropriate to clinch their spot on 9.25. Mike Scott Day 9.25.86 Astros end 11 year playoff drought 9.25.97
  16. I go to Tierra Caliente on the reg when having pops at WAIH. Love their regular tacos and quesadillas. I've only had their breakfast tacos once....they weren't good. like at all. This was several years ago though, so maybe they've improved. La Mex on Montrose/Fairview makes a good breakfast taco.
  17. I thought it was well known that Deshaun holds the ball? It's noticeable almost every game. Now that being said while it does create more sacks it also, on occasion, allows someone to come open. He's a hell of a player...but he'll never win anything here.
  18. He's ridiculous. Honestly, I'll watch the Seahawks just to see him punt.
  19. I haven't been paying super close attention this year...I do know that he is/was hurt, but wtf is going on with Altuve? He looks like dogshit at the plate.
  20. The strip center where Nidda Thai was on Westheimer was redone, so they had been closed for a while. I noticed the sign went back up a couple of weeks ago...and now is gone. I hope it's just a change out of the sign and not that it's gone for good. Voo Doo Doughnuts is apparently going in that center too. Hopefully next to Nidda and not replacing.
  21. Was there too as a kid. How can you mention that game and not throw in Tony Jones? 8 catches for 242 yds, 2 TDs My first game as a student at UT was hosting #6 Syracuse and playing to a 21-21 tie. Not bad. Of course we went on to suck (5-5-1) and Syracuse went onto suck to that year too, so not impressive at all. Probably got wasted though...so not all was lost.
  22. I know I was at a game when I was 4-5, there is a pic of me and my mom. That would've been 79 or 80. 1st game I do remember was early 80's...83 or 84. Edwin Simmons was the RB Back in those days, you could go underneath the stands on the West side of the stadium and watch the players come on and off the field...the locker rooms were on that side prior to the South endzone. I was 9 or 10 or so and just remember thinking how friggin huge they all were. You could also run around on the turf after games. What a time to be alive. Also around that same time I remember seeing a game at Texas stadium...I assume it was Texas playing SMU.
  23. Names I've seen: Cassell Lue Mark Jackson JVG David Fizdale Kelvin Sampson Honestly, this roster is a shit show and set up exclusively to run this small ball bullshit. No draft picks You have $120M already tied up for Russ, James, EG, PJ and Covington. Whoever said it about Gordon's contract is right...that thing is an anchor. EG and Westbrook are basically untradeable at this point. Sigh..
  24. Issue a code red and let the players he quit on deal with him Let the captains decide.
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