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Everything posted by Speedtrucker

  1. We cannot kill off all the piglets that make the rounds at our place. Think we are going back out this weekend to pick off a few more.
  2. It is pretty impressive though when that HDR badassness kicks in
  3. We hadn’t seen a deer on our property or cams since early January… A couple of bucks survived for another year. There were 8 total that showed up for a little over an hour to have a meal. This was a day after we shot 3 hogs hence all the corn on the ground.
  4. Oof saw that ship burning adrift with porches and bentleys on it.
  5. Well that’ll be fixed in a few months. Damnit
  6. Marvel’s Moonknight drops next, in March. Which will lead us up to May the 4th and then
  7. WTF?!? No way that’s legit. That has to be a pen raised sow that’s pregnant with 8 cinder blocks! That would be a time for me to plug in that polygraph they mention in the rules.
  8. Buddy of mine was showing my his weighed hogs in the wise county competition… Then I looked up the leader board and holy shit! 378lb is the leader right now… Buddy is trying to get at least 1 300+lb hog to place. My land ain’t yet to see any 200+lb hogs
  9. Yeah that is the most annoying part. I have a 5tb external but the X optimized games have to get swapped over when I’m playing to enjoy them properly… Eventually I’ll get that Xbox proprietary expansion storage
  10. Your saves and stuff all get synced over the cloud but you’d have to buy a digital copy of the game or else you can’t play the game if it’s disc-based ownership So you’re gonna need an X if that’s a concern.
  11. Through the first 2 episodes. Funny premise, Marshawn Lynch episode was meh but had some amusing bits. Really needs a good improve comedian to work so Conan was pretty funny. The name bit had my wife and me in tears. I like that even the “murder” comedy has them attempt to solve the who-dunnit at the end and they are then told if they’re right or wrong in solving it.
  12. So we saw where Caldwell and hays co are offering $5 bounties per hog. Nice way to trade $.75 rounds for beer money
  13. Taking my new Wraith HD out this weekend. Only a couple of hogs have been frequenting my feeder the last 4 days, I’m hoping a pattern change is coming and the big sounder comes back Saturday
  14. Army of Darkness, CHUD & The Thing. And a bucket of their buttered popcorn. And probably gonna rent either Tekken or Ridge Racer as well
  15. That’s not a hunting rifle!!! JK no cr
  16. Lol so our offense was just boot it randomly up field and hope something like that didn’t happen in the last 5 minutes. Nice
  17. With all the time wasting there should be 6-7 minutes but I expect 4
  18. Zardes is sucking shit, can we get a sub please.
  19. Is VW doing the emissions calculations and stat keeping?
  20. Yeah we track the hog patterns on property and they are super pattern but in sporadic ways… For a week they’ll hit every feeder clockwise starting with my main feeder at a set time and make their way back by 2am… Then all of the sudden they all disappear for 2-3 days and next time the Sounders are split up and they’re coming only after my noon timers and stop coming at night. Then for a week they completely bypass my main feeder and are sharing a feeder with the cows, for some weird reason. We usually have 4 days a rotation and you never know if that next pattern is going to be “disappear for 4 days” right as we are showing up to shoot some fuckers. Sometimes we stop a feeder to force them to one side of the property more regularly. You can try that so they “find” your bait instead of hitting the old spots.
  21. I thought they had originally said he was a mashup of both Howe and Hooten. As were a lot of the soldiers since they said on the DVD that they had mashed up 100+ soldiers into 40 roles for the movie which was also why Ridley Scott didn’t bother trying to find actors that looked like any of the the real participants. I might have that wrong, it’s been like 20 years since I deep dived that movie
  22. Abraham Lincoln disagree with this wall
  23. Damn you! Season 3 was released like 4 years ago. I was crazy excited for a minute thinking they snuck out a 4th season on me! Mackenzie Crook had said back then that S3 was it for the show but last fall he was interviewed twice and said he would like to get the gang back together for a S4 this year but isn’t sure it could happen
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