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Everything posted by Lat22

  1. A FG means nothing. Need a td.
  2. Tick tock. I’ve never seen a team run the clock out for the whole game, but they’re doing it.
  3. Helluva ride. There’s only one thing left to do.
  4. What was the flickering light on the wall? I’m watching tv but listening to radio guys.
  5. Lat22

    is it bad form...

    I don’t know about voicemails, but this is what short circuits my brain.
  6. I’m not a pilot. There were skid marks on the runway that continued beyond the runway. I’m guessing he aborted the takeoff after V1.
  7. Best thing I did was sync my tv with the MLB app stream of Ford and Sparks. Didn’t hear one word of the National tv crew.
  8. We still need to record 3 outs. I remember 28-7.
  9. Not in the majors. Drives me insane.
  10. That fly ball puckered me off the bat.
  11. Dam Son. Plane headed to Boston people onboard runs off runway, burns in Brookshire (click2houston.com)
  12. If those coots knew what happened to their ancestors in that very spot 30 some odd years ago, they wouldn’t mind the drone one bit.
  13. Yep. I’ve got the hots for one of those right now. I have one of their offsets and it’s built like a tank.
  14. This thread is directed at the team, right?
  15. We have a bunch of prima donnas who spend more time preparing their pregame outfits and how many "straps" they're going to wear than preparing to play football.
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