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Biff Tannen

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Biff Tannen

  1. Just needs to shorten up that swing. He'll get there.
  2. I have no idea what's going on. But I love when this thread is bumped.
  3. Do threads not embed? Instagram does now.
  4. Deepest part of the fucking field.
  5. Yeah, thanks announcers. It's certainly good that despite his .216 average he's always hustling down the line.
  6. C'mon Dr. Schuess, get some.
  7. And get the fuck out
  8. We still get our walk up songs?
  9. Sounds like playing in the Grand Canyon.
  10. I see that as a slight to Tech.
  11. Are they potheads? Because that's a BIG part of his demo. They love the "just asking questions!" schtick. They are also usually not very smart.
  12. Team is playing well right now. And Julio still lying in the weeds.
  13. Biff Tannen

    Pearl Jam

    Opening with Release is pretty fucking awesome.
  14. They said 80-85 earlier. Not sure why. Raley came through. Let's get this done.
  15. Shit Alright motherfuckers let's battle
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