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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by HOOKEM4

  1. I am going to go to my grave believing it was my kids switching from their red LT baseball shirts to their championship Longhorn shirts. MY KIDS WON THIS SHIT. Absolutely murdered them once they switched. Hookem.
  2. The announcers are trying their best to not look like an absolute destruction of corn aggy
  3. I walked in and noticed my boys were both wearing red shirts with Longhorn pajama bottoms. I made them change to their championship shirts and when they did, we went on that 7-0 run. You're fucking welcome. HOOK'EM
  4. I couldn't tell but it sure looked like it. They were broke off short though. Didn't look like cactus.
  5. I have a feeling this will be a coronation. 52 Texas 28 wash The intangibles are there. This team is ride or die for each other. The Texas vs errbody come to a head. This gets ugly fast and only with garbage time scores does wash make it look like they aren't frauds.
  6. Had a baseball tournament cancelled and it afforded me a free weekend. Snuck out to my place. Swung by my BIL's ranch and shot at a pig midday. Not sure it was a mortal shot, riding on a utv and shooting is hard. Found some blood but couldn't find a trail. Anyways, I am sitting back at my place hoping pigs come out soon. My BIL texts me a photo of a pig he killed. I won't post it but it is fun to see what a 300 win mag does to a pigs head. I need to get a pig now!
  7. So evidently this escalated rather quickly. https://youtube.com/shorts/Vw3XbNHRqTc?si=GzWC_G5ikfcIWRj-
  8. https://i.imgur.com/jvOzHTC.mp4
  9. Holy shit. Fuck them brakes. What a badass
  10. The biggest stat for me in this whole deal is the 3rd down efficiency. That stat is hard to argue about being skewed. We flat out stop people on 3rd.
  11. That doesn't matter, it is about establishing dominance.
  12. Well I can't believe I am agreeing with you on this but he does suck... Also...pot meet kettle...but fuck that jackoff.
  13. All this is going to do is cause us to lose a MLB season. It is one thing to backload, this is blatant and will cause chaos if left unchecked. Fucking dipshit Dodgers fucking up baseball and will still be watching the WS from home.
  14. I played all morning with my kids and we went on a 4 win streak before I had to stop to do stuff around the casa. Really it is my oldest that wins. He is a one man wrecking crew. I turn around and he has built 14 stories up shooting at someone half way across the map. He get 15 kills and I get two on bots. Oh well, still had fun.
  15. I just played all afternoon with my boys. Evidently they have some new stuff that makes it fun for them. I suck but it is fun getting waxed by some 10 year old kid. Ended the night with a win running duo with my youngest who plays just like me. Fuckit, leeeerrrooooyyyy Jenkins. Fun times
  16. HOOKEM4

    2023 Heisman

    Sweat will go prove it on the field. I am biased but this seems like a giant snub.
  17. Just said he is going to coach us till the end. Juggling both jobs till we are done.
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