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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. I think Dominion has 787 million reasons to not give a wet fart fuck about moving forward at all. Which is a bummer man.
  2. Right. In the same way that a fart in a tornado makes up a "degree" of the wind speed. The only way this could potentially move the needle for people lost in the FNC sauce of bullshit was to see their nightly entertainers on the stand being grilled about purposeful lies. And that probably wouldn't even have done anything. Fuck everything.
  3. JFC, what a broken human. He really showed them! If he does all of this because Bud Light did a collab with a Trans influencer, just imagine what this great patriot would if someone tried to overturn the results of an election! Whoooo boy. What a bad ass this dude is.
  4. Coworker, not buddy... and he's a hardcore Southern Baptist so I wasn't all that surprised. But dumb af politically for sure. I remember this same dude talking about how much he loved the Palin VP choice.
  5. I played in an oil and gas industry golf tournament yesterday and I think I heard 3 or 4 different mentions of the Bud Light situation during the day. -First one was before the shotgun start when the bro sitting in the cart next to mine (already having a beer at 9:30am (NTTAWT)) brought it up and asked his group how many Bud Lights he thought they would serve during the day. They all chortled and one of them made a bad joke about starting to call his buddy Nikki instead of Nick if he drank one around them. -Next one was during a back up on a Par 3 tee box where they had a beverage station set up. Backwards hat bro was so curious about the Bud Light situation he walked over to the lady working the bev station and asked to see her tally sheet where she marks all the different drinks they served (I assume so the beer sponsor can settle up at the end of the day). Looking back to his buddies, loudly: "Hey, y'all! How many Bud Lights do you think she has served today!!!!???...... None! hahahahahahaha! not a one! hahahahahahaha!" -Next one was when one of my coworkers playing in our group brought it up after hearing backwards hat bro on the tee box. "Can you believe this Bud Light deal has cost them $5bn in market value already!!!!1!!!? I'm here for it." I tried to ignore it but ended up just telling him I thought it was another instance of contrived outrage and that I was on team Leave-People-The-Fuck-Alone. -Last one was at the dinner afterwards when someone was drinking a Bud Light and someone else in their group made a crack to them about having to change their name, Nick/Nikki deal. It never ceases to amaze me how much time/effort/anger is spent on these types of contrived outrage situations. I just can't imagine trying to keep up with all of this shit to make sure I was on top of the latest MAGAT outrage flavor of the day. Now Jack Daniels has gone woke too!
  6. That's the official Twitter account of a very real company, no? https://www.riotplatforms.com/about
  7. That will probably hurt his fee-fees more than anything else he's getting hit with this week.
  8. The gif of somebody being told to go get their shine box?
  9. What kind of broke brain asshat amplifies something like that? GTFOHWTMFBS
  10. Premature = we are going to kick the can down the road, spin up some thoughts and some prayers until society sees something else shiny and we can stop talking about this for a few weeks (days?) until the next mass shooting event. Fucking cowards. Why is doing the right thing so hard?
  11. So much this. I'm definitely not some super tough guy bad ass or anything, but I lack the self control to not do something horrible to a person like this in a position of power if it was one of my kids. I wonder if their tune changes if it's people that actually have the power to make changes start getting toe tags instead of innocent children.
  12. Jesus fuck that's hard to watch. With kids ages 7, 9, and 13 at school right now this made me tear up this morning. That poor child's parents will never get to hold them or squeeze them ever again. Dropped her off and school with her bright pink outfit on and didn't realize that would be the last time they would ever see her alive. It's just too much to take. We are a broken society with horseshit leaders. Thanks to the bravery of these officers only three children were murdered, but every child in that school is scarred for life. Don't look away. Shove this in people's faces that trot out the "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" line of thinking.
  13. The most obvious video of him I've seen involved some lower jaw action like I haven't seen since Club Some in the late 90's.
  14. Yea, the guy trying to eradicate Malaria without using mass vaccinations is trying to depopulate the planet. Seek alternative sources of information and then GFY.
  15. Damn. Real-deal badasses. And yea, "Expecting a fuckfest is worse than the fuckfest itself" is motto worthy.
  16. I've bought shares ranging from $30.40 all the way down to $6.17. <goofyI'lldoitagain.gif>
  17. She knew right away she was cooked too. If I'm going on a live TV show to discuss my book where I examine the dangers of woke culture, you better bet your ass I'm going to have my elevator pitch fine tuned and ready to go.
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