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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. Poor dude is going to be sore after getting stuffed into a locker like that by Pete.
  2. I read Amash's tweetstorm the other day and he was doing okay until he got to the part where he praised a congressman who was an active participant in J6 and then called Cheney a liberal. Because obviously her participation in the J6 hearings has a much larger bearing on where she sits on the political spectrum than her actual voting record as a member of congress. GTFOHWTMFBS
  3. Yea, don't have the stomach to watch that I don't think. Depressing af.
  4. I had a weird/fun round just before Christmas at the pasture pool course I grew up playing. I doubled the first hole and shot 40 on the front nine but hit the ball really well. I got it going on the back and shot 35 with 3 birds. Chipped in on a par 3 and had two kick away birdies where I hit my approach to ~2 feet. The best part was I was playing with my dad and my 2 young sons and it is only the 2nd time I've ever beat my dad. He's 73 and has started to make a habit of shooting at or under his age. He wouldn't admit it, but I could tell he was grinding his ass off down the stretch trying to catch me. I think he ended up with a 77.
  5. Zelensky has more courage in his pinky toenail than this silver (plated) spoon fuck has in his whole body.
  6. Elon showing a lot of little dick energy. What a beta, cuck, snowflake he is.
  7. We had a deposit down on a Model X and were supposed to take delivery next week. We canceled and forfeited the deposit, in part, because of Musk's fuckery with Twitter. That caused me to go looking at other options again and I bought something else last week. I was concerned with the long term viability of the company as well with him at the helm. It's just a hunch, but I don't think as many magats buy electric vehicles as people who lean left. His full GQP heel turn on twitter can't be good for business. Anecdotal for sure, but I did notice quite a few Tesla vehicles on the used car lot at both the dealership and at Carmax.
  8. Was he a great big man with tears streaming down his face too? FOH you loon.
  9. I sold a car to carmax last week and it was incredibly painless. It’s worth a shot seeing what they’ll give you for it. The appraisal took less than 30 minutes. It was maybe another 15 minutes for them to process the paperwork and give me a check. They gave me $15k, dealer offered $8k on it as a trade-in.
  10. Elon is a magat and all the while he’s doing the same exact things he’s railing on out of the other side of his mouth. He’s not a free speech maxi. He just wants to be able to ban/silence the accounts that he prefers be banned. Pretty expensive way to accomplish that.
  11. One of the greatest movies scenes of all time. SON-OF-A-BITCH!
  12. Fair point. Louie Gomer will be handing out awards to the terrorist if this happens in Texas.
  13. In worm-infested brains it only affects the "others." i.e. surely these Leopards won't eat MY face.
  14. Because this shit fucks with everyone - even the GQP brainworms crowd that thinks Jan 6 was a false flag/antifa operation.
  15. Attacks on these substations should be treated the same as someone trying to attack a military base. Make it well known that any attempt to fuck with critical infrastructure will be met with extreme force and then shoot these terrorists on the spot. I know it's impossible to watch these 24/7 but you catch/kill a few in the act and see how far these christian taliban asshats are willing to go.
  16. Isbell probably told him to go fuck off then. He gives 0 fucks about this sort of thing.
  17. He's a full blown deplorable and isn't even trying to hide it any longer. What in the actual fuck is he even talking about?
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