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The Royal We

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Royal We

  1. What exactly are you trying to argue here? Is it that we haven't yet seen mass deaths from a virus that was first officially detected in humans ~10 weeks ago? Yea, I guess that's technically correct although I'm not really sure how germane it is to the conversation the rest of us are having here.
  2. SIAP https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/02/covid-vaccine/607000/
  3. What in God's name are you blabbering about?
  4. With the attention span of a flea, Trump is having a hard time not spacing out. It was distracting as hell to see him leering around the speaker into the crowd. No matter how many times I see it, it's still amazing seeing these grown ass men bend the knee and kiss his ass even in the most serious of times like this.
  5. fify Finish up the cheeburger and let the shit smearing commence!
  6. Prediction - Low energy, lots of exaggerated sniffling, and still a decent amount of lies.
  7. I've had a handful of clients mention to me that this feels like '86. It seems like the only optimism is with folks in south LA or the GOM that aren't overburden by debt.
  8. Right, because that's all the poo flinging magaites do these days. They would never mail pipe bombs, call in death threats, or threaten other types of physical violence to objects of Trump's scorn. I'm very cynical of all things GOP at the moment, but I'm going to take Mitt at his word on this one. This is going to create a significant amount of PITA for him.
  9. "He begged for it like a dog." Come on man. He and his whole family will be put through the ringer by a bunch of poo flinging Trumpkins over this. Let's not act like this was the easy thing for him to do.
  10. Backfire how? Like a story about dipping on a plane when describing how shitty an airline is?
  11. I live in deep East Texas - Louie f'n Gohmert is my Rep and the letters to the editor I read regarding Trump in my local paper are contributing to me feeling despondent. My boss, my coworkers, some of my friends and my parents are probably all beating their bean gleefully this morning at the prospect of no witness and the quick end to this "witch hunt." They all inject FoxNews into their veins.
  12. Rush and Fox are responsible for a lot of this. Nixon is never impeached/resigns if he had those two brainwashing a significant portion of the country for him. I've seen if first hand with my own dad, when I think back to some of the shit that he used to say when I was a young kid - during the Clinton impeachment for example - I can only conclude that his whole belief system became warped by Rush. Fox then took the ball and ran with it from there.
  13. Not gonna lie, I'm feeling pretty despondent today. I was under no illusions that the senate would vote to remove the president, but I thought there would be a few senators that could manage to grab a little sack and vote for witnesses. Lamar's justification and Dersh's argument set such a terrible precedent that it's hard for me to understand how this many senators are willingly going along with it. More damaging information is going to continue to come out, but Bolton's book is not going to have the same impact as if he would have testified to that same information under oath in the senate. Here's to bottomless Caucasians on the ledge.
  14. Pai and his ridiculous coffee cup can EABOD and DIAF. F’n assbag
  15. It's been 18 hours since he visited the site (logged in as NowThis). He gone.
  16. Guests that I've enjoyed recently: -Boyan Slat (Cleaning Pacific garbage patch) -Sebastian Junger (Cherokee Indian expert) -Glenn Villeneuve (Lived off the grid in the Alaskan wilderness) -Bob Lazar (Worked at Area 51) -Cmdr. David Fravor - (Top Gun Navy pilot w/ alien encounter) You just have to know what you get with Rogan. He's going to shill a bunch of shitty products, ask the guest about DMT and might get baked during the recording. I spend a ton of time in the car and he's one of the podcasts that help me pass the time.
  17. Rogan is what he is - a shitty comedian with a massive podcast that has entertaining content from time to time. I skip the MMA stuff and wish he didn't have assholes like Alex Jones on, but I do find many of his other guests to be entertaining and informative. He has a very diverse following and maybe his support of Bernie will open a few minds among the Monster/MMA bros that listen to him.
  18. Colorado Bend is a great spot to check out. If the park is full you can stay up the road at this place: https://www.bendtexas.com/ It's pretty primitive camping. If you make camp down by the river then there is only an outhouse within walking distance for a bathroom, but it's a beautiful setting with a bunch of different places to set up shop. My and some buddies have taken our kids out there twice. Gorman Falls is a short float down the river if you have kayaks or a canoe and is really an amazing site to see.
  19. Damn, this thread took a sharp turn! Nowthis has to move away and start a new life after that.
  20. This was the first season in quite a while that I didn't sit in a duck blind. I'm on a club southwest of Houston not far from West Columbia and we've had basically 0 ducks the last two seasons out there. In prior years we were covered up with birds and every hunter would get a limit or close to it every time out. I got skunked twice last season and kept waiting on a good report to come from the club before going this season and that never happened. I'm curious to see the summary of the hunting reports for this season. I imagine the average will be less than 1 bird per hunter/hunt. One of the old timers down there blamed it on the increased development of the Katy prairie. I don't know what it is, but something has moved the birds around.
  21. The heat and the pressure on mine go up way beyond what I can imagine anyone being comfortable with. Welcome to the party Pal.
  22. The Royal We


    I'd rather have it and not need it, then need it and not have it. Some good ones on this page, I'm going to try to remember this'un - "It was cut out right, but sewed up wrong." thanks @CHIEF
  23. The Royal We


    I was shaking like a dog shittin peach seeds. We were so broke we couldn't pay attention. We didn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. He was richer than 3 feet up a bull's ass. That boy couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag. You got zach-lees breath - your breath smell zachlees like your asshole.
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