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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. The book is actually quite good, but it’s much darker than the movies, obviously. It’s about an investigation of a dope ring, if I recall correctly.
  2. Lol. I don't have bribe anyone. With FEC vs. Cruz, I can legally donate money to a campaign, and the candidate can then loan the campaign personal money and have the campaign pay them back with interest. No brown paper bag or brief case necessary. But yes, if I'm going to drop off a check, I'd like some personal time with senior staff to discuss issues of concern for my client.
  3. This. Not every industry is the same. As Lobbyist, it's actually a 1000x easier to get meetings with Hill Staff over zoom. We can pop on/pop off and be down with our shit. No muss/no fuss. But you lose the in person networking of fundraisers and receptions. Overall, I am more productive remote, because as the primary shopper/home maintainer, it means I can spread out chores all week and still be productive, instead of wasting hours and hours at the office fucking around on the shag until the work day is over. Instead, I carefully monitor my to do list, and stay on top of it instead of procrastinating. Everyone is different.
  4. Well, it’s a Take. Newsflash: Mental Illness is Real. Schizophrenia doesn’t give a fuck where you are from or who your parents are. It’s actually a miracle of modern science that Hinkley is able to re-enter society. 60 years ago, they would have electroshocked him into drooling submission, or performed a lobotomy.
  5. Hinkley has had some of the most closely monitored and comprehensive mental health care of any individual in this country. Most mental health experts agreed by 2004-2005 he was not a danger to himself, society, or the Reagan's. His mother has had to fight tooth and nail to get him even limited, supervised, monitored visits because the Reagan's, specifically Nancy, have tried to keep him locked up. It has been an unspoken policy for DOJ to oppose his release as long as Nancy was alive. Following her death, the Government has been far less aggressive in opposing his release, and a few months after her funeral, the Court released him with restrictions. The current release just completes that process.
  6. This whole situation is kinda sad and fucked up. Like @WhatTheBuck, I tried my damndest to avoid this, but the intertrons refused to let me stay happily oblivious. They both seem like unpleasant people that I wouldn’t want to hang out with. He’s obviously got quite the substance abuse problem. Heard also appears to have some pretty serious mental health challenges. Since DC is Hollywood for ugly people, Heard’s op-Ed seems to fall under the common DC saying “You could, but I wouldn’t if I was you” rule when deciding to discuss powerful people publicly.
  7. Yes. Definitely. And I live in the center of the douchebag driver universe.
  8. This. The trouble for Tesla is not the Taycan. It's a banal e-jetta that costs 25K less. It's the same thing that fucked GM in the 70s: lack of quality control and cheap ass alternatives.
  9. To paraphrase a band the youngs enjoy these days: Your daughter is about to get a degree in the big d.
  10. Don’t carp just suck the bait off your hook? I don’t even know how you catch those things. also; I hate fishing and haven’t done it since I was a child.
  11. Ah, the ye old “It’s not technically X weapon, because you mis characterized/named technical component D, thus your entire argument is invalid.” A gun rights classic. Only slightly less invoked than “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”
  12. Pizzilato was absolutely not the director and show runner of Season 1. He was just the writer. Cary Fukunaga, of No Time to Die, was the director. They gave Pizzolato the keys to everything for Season 2 and he produced a pile of shit.
  13. As it has been, as it always will be. My wife and I spent two magical weeks in Croatia a few years ago. This is literally every Croatian within earshot when you even say the word “Serbia”
  14. CSB: one of my best friends from high school lives in Waco, and is Korean. She gets mistaken for Joanna Gaines a fair bit.
  15. I mean, mine do smell like lavender…
  16. As a multi-generation Austinite, born and raised, it wasn’t till I moved away and started raising my own family in majority minority community that is routinely denigrated by the other citizens of the DC Area that I began to recognize the absolutely toxic Austin liberal superiority complex vis-a-vis the rest of the state and particularly South Texas.
  17. Yeah. I know staff asses with MPPs from Ivies in the Dem offices.
  18. The current protocol is to go in, right away. Preferably in a team of two or more, but get in there. And they aren’t supposed to stand around gearing up.
  19. I’m just saying: would you want someone screaming expletives at you? Be vigorous in your points. Be passionate. But it’s also a human on the other end of that line. And it’s totally reasonable to ask the person if they really want to defend a politician who is so pro gun when children are dying.
  20. For those of you calling congressional offices: it’s a 20 something making 45K a year to get yelled at by constituents all day. Try to have a bit of compassion for them personally as you register your concerns. The MOC isn’t taking your phone call unless your a big donor.
  21. Bateshorn

    Below Deck

    Of course he is Colin is a world class shit stirrer. Just roll a grenade into an already combustible situation, stand back, enjoy the BOOM.
  22. Yeah, man, we have multiple threads for that stuff r/pokies NSFW, obvs.
  23. Kinda makes the whole “DEFUND THE POLICE!” Vs “Defund the over militarization of the police to better resource a wide array of social services to deescalate the cycle of violence and rebuild our fraying society” look a little different, huh.
  24. It’s so weird to me that we’ve venerated LEO to the level it has become in modern society Cop was what the bully athletes who got shit grades did after high school. The ones who couldn’t hack it in the trade classes.
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