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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. The power of the Vietnam memorial now sort of obscures what a controversial design it was at the time. It's why the sculptures of the three soldiers was included up the hill, as a compromise. The additional sculpture if fine, I suppose, but it does, in a way, detract from the raw power of the wall. As does the Women's memorial. Maya Lin's simple, elegant design, especially when paired with the Grandeur of the Lincoln Monument and the lush, rich design of the Korean Monument really makes that end of the Mall the best. To @miguelito point: The Renwick is the best thing in the surrounding WH complex. Great small museum.
  2. Yeah, WW2 really does not do it for me, it just feels very disconnected (and those bronze emblems feel ripped right out of the Albert Speer for amateur designers guide). Fun Fact: the Arts Commission that guides development of the Mall rejected the WW2 monument multiple times, based on location and design. But Private Ryan came out, everyone got nostalgic, and Congress overrode the decision. Love Korea and Vietnam. If you are looking towards Lincoln on the far end of the reflecting pool, off to your left is a Doric dome with columns, and that’s the DC War Memorial. Very understated and cool (actually literally: it’s very shady). Worth a walk by if your on that end of the mall. If you don’t mind hiking over to Haines Point, FDR is also literally very cool: lots of shade and fountains.
  3. This. The best food on the mall itself is the cafeteria at Native American History, especially if you are doing Air and Space which is next door. A&S has very a overcrowded and yuck cafeteria, so just head out and walk next door when you get peckish, as Native American history is usually not crowded.
  4. I’m also tagging in @phdhorn here.
  5. I get it, if you are a plane nerd, it’s your bag. But to come to DC to do Udvar Hazel is like going to New Orleans just to do the WW2 museum, except the WW2 museum is in Meterie. There’s other stuff downtown: Lincoln, Washington, Vietnam, Natural History, African American History, Native American History, Nat. Achives, National Museum of Art, American History, Korea, WW2, DC War Monument, TJ. And that’s just DC, and I missed a bunch of stuff. If you have a hard on for Udvar: Fly into IAD, do an overnight at an airport hotel and see the museum, then go into town and fly out of DCA.
  6. Udvar-Hazy is a Smithsonian Airplane Museum next to Dulles Airport (IAD). In DC, unless you live in Reston, VA, everyone hates IAD. I won’t pick my wife up from there. It’s a fucking nightmare to get to. Cool mid century modern terminal tho. Look, if you have a rental car or a friend who will drive and make a day of it, Udvar-Hazy is worth it. If you are downtown and flying in and out of DCA, why would you haul your ass all the way out to the Austin equivalent of Georgetown when you have all of Austin available? Just do DC.
  7. This is all true, but Dulles is a solid 30 minute drive, at speed, and if DC traffic does it’s thing, it can be a nightmare getting to/from. It’s on a major commuter corridor. I think the WH is kinda meh, but that’s me. A Capitol Tour will require coordinating with your congressional office. Don’t worry about your partisan politics: the twenty something at the desk will be ecstatic to talk to you about your visit instead of be screamed at about whatever issue du jour of the day. If your Congress critter is a bust, try your Senators as well.
  8. The Cathedral is worth a trip just to see the NASA Stained Glass.
  9. I don’t cross the River much anymore since I’m in MD. CHECK THE WMATA SITE BEFORE YOU GO!!!!! Metro is broken or closed for repairs a lot and it can fuck up your plans. I know the Yellow line bridge is supposed to close down at some point for repairs, just not sure when.
  10. Alexandria is not super accessible by metro. It’s a fucking hike from the blue line. I’d ride over and grab an Uber.
  11. Oh: and the Holocaust Museum is incredible, but it will wreck your day. It’s not a “I’ll check it out” type thing.
  12. It’ll be hot as fuck and unless you are from Houston, you will not be ready for the humidity. Dont try to do too much in one day. A “air and space, natural history, and Arlington cemetery day” is going to make you miserable . Pick a museum and focus on it, then have a lunch, nap, and make evening plans. DC is very walkable. And downtown and most neighborhoods are very safe, unless you are in front of a night club at 1 in the morning. Check the 9:30 club and Anthem and see if somebody cool is playing. Lincoln Monument is always worth visiting. There’s something about standing in the shadow of the Great Emancipator and reading the Gettysburg address that makes me well up with pride. Off the beaten path museums: Portrait, Hirshhorn, Phillips. Blow it out meals: Le Diplomat and Dauphine. Other than the raw bar, Old Ebbitt is straight off the back of the Sysco truck, but it’s an institution. You won’t see any politicos, just a fuck ton of tourists.
  13. Bidet user here. Ready to baby pose at the drop of a pin.
  14. By all parties involved. When you’ve got a 3-1 ratio of women to men, and a quarter to half those men are gay, there’s only so many straight women who are going to bi it up before the social norms about relationships breakdown because people just want intimacy from the opposite sex. He came home from Xmas one year and was in 3 open relationships, putting aside random hook ups. Staying hydrated and ready to go was the primary challenge.
  15. For sure. Not quite Smith, but not far off.
  16. I knew a guy from Westlake who went to Sarah Lawerence in the early 90s. It was a 70/30 Female/Male gender split. He said it was crazy how horny the girls were due to lack of dudes. No fucks given about monogamy. At all.
  17. Jesus. I need a penicillin shot just looking at those photos.
  18. I mean, we had a dude on here a couple of days ago pushing the Food Plant Fire narrative and asking questions. It's crazy how quick these things catch on.
  19. Came here to post this. I have to surf Fox News website a couple times a day, just to digest the conservative argle bargle to do my job and know what I'm going to be hearing from GOP members in meetings, and that shit damn near drives me to quit everyday.
  20. Wait. Hold on. Slow Down. Spotify has a chat function?
  21. My non profit has a significant IT presence. We just started back 3x a week and we’ve lost 15 people already.
  22. Boy #2 graduated from HS this weekend. I’m 3 months away from being an empty nester.
  23. There’s a Jay Leon’s garage where he shows his Lamborghini’s and he talks about how he daily drove his 1986 Countach, which was one of the very last with a carb. One of the things he talks about is how that car has way more in common with a Model T than a modern car due to the revolution in auto technology. Cars these days really are moving computers.
  24. I like Rabbit. I’ve had plenty of good bunny, but it’s tricky as fuck to cook without drying ur out and this is the Top Chef finals, you are pretty much serving chicken breast. Try harder. Which is too bad, I liked Sarah.
  25. Reason #53492746294756238 cops should face at least some legal responsibility as a condition of their job.
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