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Everything posted by Bateshorn

  1. I mean, boats are the ultimate depreciating asset.
  2. The most depressing part of the Wash, DC region is Clinton, MD, which services Andrew’s.
  3. I’m not arguing any of your points. Its more about us not putting anyone in the League.
  4. Might want to scratch Texas off this list.
  5. Let me put it this way: Musk has allowed the vast bulk of public to believe he is the inventor of Tesla’s technology, or at least was a major scientific contributor, when that is demonstrably and categorically untrue. And yes, he settled very, very quickly with Eberhard when it finally went to court. I read/heard speculation somewhere that his announcement that he wouldn’t defend Tesla’s patents was more about making sure Eberhard and the other founders remain leased to Tesla and it’s success by preventing them from bringing IP claims in the future, but I can’t remember if that was real or just one of my buddies talking shit.
  6. Hey, Dipshits: people can be good and bad at the same time. We aren’t binary computers. Musk can be an visionary investor who helped pioneer the first viable and profitable electric vehicle company, while also being a narcissistic dickhead who stupidly bought Twitter because he’s addicted to the serotonin hit of social media (or other things).
  7. Spoiler that shit. The OP is watching the series.
  8. Playing like 5 or 6 different versions of the same character in Orphan Black. Often having to act against herself or multiple versions of herself. In all fairness, the comic book She Hulk loves the D. So that’s actually canon.
  9. Gotdamn, he sure does tweet like a strung out dude who needs to put down the straw and go crash for awhile.
  10. Someday we are going to get a Powergirl series and I can die a happy man.
  11. Yeah. Eve Williams, who was by far Twitter's largest shareholder when it went public, has been methodically selling his stake in Twitter for the last 9 years. Quietly and regularly, up or down, to divest his ownership. You don't have to do anything fancy to do it, just not dump them all at once.
  12. I love Maslany, I think she is one of the best actors out there, but the CGI on this looks terrible. Damn, Marvel, wtf you doing with all that Thanos coin?
  13. Well if you have enough destroyed vehicles in the river, you can just walk across the hulks.
  14. Jesus, this thing is turning into the opening scene of Enemy at the Gates.
  15. I almost quoted that, but I was worried I’d catch a time out without context.
  16. Crypto seems to be broadly working out for investors. What could possibly go wrong basing a portion of Texas electrical generation and grid on it?
  17. It’s legit one of the most perfect single seasons of TV you will ever watch. Avoid the internet. Do not google anything. Just let it wash over you, as it was meant to be. Two actors, at the absolute top of their game, with a young director and screen writer who were given the room and finances to work a great story. ”I can see your soul at the edges of your eyes.” And a perfect set of tits.
  18. It’s a fun home feature that floods every spring. Indoor pools are the rage. You should get one.
  19. After that diamond investing debacle, the chances he lost a fuck ton of money on NFT's and Crypto is sky high.
  20. This is our problem. I run a dehumidifier in the basement pretty much non stop from April through October. But the house is so damn drafty I just had to crank the AC down to make the house tolerable from a humidity stand point.
  21. I keep it at 73 during the day while we remote work. I push it down to 69 at night so I can actually sleep. But again, the zone difference between my upstairs and downstairs is nightmarish. I'm thinking about getting a room AC to make the bedroom livable during high summer.
  22. Turning it up is exactly what you should be doing to save money and reduce your climate impact when you aren't home.
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