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Angry Gorilla

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. It was also poorly planned, which also adds credence. On the challenge where they had to make the rope ladder up in the air and TJ was yelling at Cara Maria and Marie for not being able to get one loop in, they showed a clip of production assistants trying it. So obviously they test out all of the planned challenges. For the Tony/Bananas & Paulie/Natalie challenge, the eating portion was pointless. It's hard to tell how long it took them to eat everything, but it couldn't have been more than 30-60 minutes, so it really made no difference who was first. The whole challenge was Bananas vs Natalie. You would think if they had properly tested that challenge they would know the eating part meant nothing.
  2. Someone posted on Twitter that they originally had a different elimination between Tony/Bananas and Natalie/Paulie that Tony/Bananas was winning but they cancelled it halfway through and brought them back out a couple days later with the eating/holding arms up challenge that they lost. Bananas was liking all the posts. Not sure I believe it, as I would think MTV wants Bananas in all the finals. I'll see if I can find the tweets.
  3. He meant their bigger and faster younger brothers that will be playing for us
  4. I hesitate posting this as I am sure I will come off as a terrible dog owner, but if you've kept up with this thread recently you know that we had to put down our Golden, Colt, on Monday. We are picking up our new puppy this coming Sunday. It's way too soon as we are still adjusting to the loss of our last dog, but my wife is pregnant with our first child due in May and if we felt the quicker we got another puppy the more housebroken/trained it would be when the baby came. We also have an Australian Shepherd that misses her brother and a puppy would be great for her. I felt like such a shithead message breeders the day after losing our dog, and I really dread going to get this new dog on Sunday. I am sure all of that will change once we get him though. Trying to keep the Longhorn name theme, does he look more like a Ricky or a Sam?
  5. If any of the groomsmen are single, go eat on W7 and bar hop around there until 2am, then Uber to one of the strip clubs open late.
  6. Yep, sorry to being the sad to this thread. We had Colt put down this morning at home. It was peaceful and he's no longer in pain, but still brutal. He did have nothing but steak, mac and cheese, and a cupcake the last 24 hours.
  7. I would have never guessed a guy named Azia would have a neck beard
  8. I liked Tony's ex Madison, the crack head from Austin, but I don't think she was ever on a Challenge was she?
  9. All of those people are probably all in on the conspiracy, but some may have just been stupid (Kachinsky) or attention seeking (Kratz) that they fit right in without knowing
  10. Who is in the HOF of looks? I'll start with Ashley from the SD season or RW.
  11. Yeah, I worry about that happening while my wife is at home and I'm not.
  12. Finally got in to see the oncologist today. That's his 5th vet visit since going blind. Selfishly, it was worst case scenario as I was hoping the decision would be made for me and it wasn't. The tumor has completely blocked off his right nasal cavity and has eaten through bone and gotten into his brain which caused the blindness. The vet said he is probably in considerable pain, though did say the pain medicine he is on now is very strong and he prescribed some more that would help with pain (that we had filled at Walgreens which seemed weird to me). He said we could go the palliative route and keep him pilled up and we would be looking at 3-5 months, but he also said as fast as this has come on it would likely be less than that. The other option is radiation therapy. He said the technology has come a long way, but there is no chance it would cure him. It could shrink the tumor to relieve pain, and did mention there is a small chance some vision could return (he could see shapes and lights but would still be mostly blind). Best case scenario would be 9 more months, but he is old (8.5) and overweight so 9 months would be very optimistic. The treatment involves taking him in 5X/week for 4 weeks. The treatment only takes 5 minutes, but they have to put him under anesthesia each time and he stays there for ~2 hours. My wife can't load him into her car as he turns into dead weight if you try to pick him up. I work for myself and could do it, but it is a lot to put him through. The vet also said after treatment he would feel better, but the tumor would slowly start growing back and he would eventually be in the same position where he is blind, in pain, and in a drug induced fog. We are waiting to hear from our normal vet, who has been great, tomorrow after he reads the synopsis and hoping he gives us better direction. We had to put down my dog 2 years ago and after we did I have always felt guilty that I kept her around too long selfishly and should have done it much sooner. My wife is also pregnant with our first child and she is worried about the stress of seeing him waste away. He already gets terrible nose bleeds and the vet said seizures should come next. I think we decided that if we didn't go through with the treatment, we wouldn't do the palliative route and would go ahead with euthanasia. He is already a shell of himself now and would only get worse with the growing tumor and added medicine. And he is in pain. Hopefully the vet tomorrow helps with the decision, but any advice is appreciated.
  13. The food is slightly above mediocre, but my wife really liked doing the Reunion Tower for one of our previous anniversaries.
  14. I saw on Twitter that the movie is about Jesse after he escapes
  15. There is a show based off of the Dirty John podcast starting Connie Britton and Eric Bana
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