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Everything posted by Eugene11

  1. God damn that new fuck is a beating. Will y’all crowd source this idiot.
  2. To be fair Gideon and Hager would probably be heisman trophy winners on those teams.
  3. I almost always have the Thursday night game on in the background as I’m doing stuff. I keep forgetting it’s on Amazon. Last week I “watched” a replay on nfl network for an hour and half before I realized.
  4. Let’s not pretend the tide fans are any better. I was at the championship game in Pasadena. I saw you people.
  5. yeah dudes are gross. my wife gets her stuff waxed. she talked me into nose and back of neck ( i keep a clean neck line as much as possible). Have since graduated to "manzillian". damn its nice and no razor burn, no regrowing hair itch, stubble comes in smooth and not sharp like a beard does. She loves it and 'clean up' is a breeze. all for about $100 a month or so
  6. Why the hell does a head coach need to be a studio production meeting anyway?
  7. Yes. Attending nfl football games is horrible.
  8. Tweet See new Tweets Conversation SEC Mike @MichaelWBratton Texas A&M's struggles on the field might be all part of the masterplan to help recruiting: "They see opportunities. Everybody says, 'Why go somewhere that's winning all the time? I may not play in awhile.'"
  9. It’s crazy. We will never know. But damn if we don’t have plenty of tape of card folding under pressure but yeah sure. We should have tried him for a series or 3 to save the day. Could it have worked? Sure( Chris could have been better then major lol) . Would it have? Not likely.
  10. i agree with this answer but i think you are going to get a shit storm of heat from people that "know better then you" of what was really going on out there. I also think play calling was not as big an issue as the hate sark crowd makes it out to be. receivers were running open all over the place. Player execution across the board was the downfall Saturday. its like they all went out to a strip club the night before the game or something. TEN! fucking TEN! ...
  11. God damn these announcers are terrible.
  12. in my eyes this gives 'stache all the credibility I need to see and makes his posts all that much better. maybe AI should take this lead and end all posts with something like fuck Nebraska or something.
  13. So fitting with Mississippi being the butt crack and Florida being a bunch of dicks.
  14. as is this comment I guess I wanted to quote this a long time ago but fine. It’s here now and not applicable to this thread. This applies to the fans apparently as well No. Absolutely not See hagbard quote above.
  15. It’s ok to wear pajamas at the airport now days might as well swim suits to nice steak houses. what’s next? T shirts and your “best” baseball cap for date night?
  16. holy shit. some of yall are as dumb as she is....
  17. What? Is my meter misadjusted? What does ewers have to do with cars starting? Did I just get greenspointed?
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