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Everything posted by lateshow

  1. Probably my favorite Creed moment was when he unknowingly walked into the middle of the Murder Mystery, doesn't say anything, then sprints out to his car and leaves.
  2. Dinner Party is the best. The argument for second best could be made, and Diversity Day would probably be my choice for that spot.
  3. Loved it. Made up for last week's abortion of an episode.
  4. lateshow


    Tyler should've won, but I have no issue with Kaycee winning. Agreed that this is the most enjoyable season that I've ever watched. Hayleigh! Got Damn! I had told my wife a couple weeks ago that I'd switched my preference from Angela to Hayleigh. Then she comes out in that dress. So, so, so, so fucking hot.
  5. It's always bugged me that the old man grabs Pink's left arm when asking if his arm is ready. Pink is clearly right handed. Trivial I know.
  6. What is this? The "I almost, almost died" thread?
  7. It's superb, as expected. As ridiculous as it may seem, an animated series about humans and anthropomorphic animals coexisting is one of the best series currently on air.
  8. I always figured Cooper to be the catcher as opposed to the pitcher.
  9. Same here. It was boring, but it did advance story line and get a timeline established. Any progress toward Jimmy becoming Saul is good for me.
  10. You mean she was hotter at 25 than 38? Wow. Scorching hot take.
  11. Cost of doing business. The point he made is worth the money it cost him.
  12. pornhub.com is where you probably need to start. NTTAWWT
  13. As opposed to just letting the water rush into your home unimpeded?
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