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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. See that's the great thing about being a legacy. I got in, but it might've been my stunning application that got me in instead of my parents both attending the university too. I guess on the pro side is that you get kids that are excited to go there and are more likely to finish and donate, but those seem relatively small in the grand scheme of things compared to the cons.
  2. How is this pronounced btw? I always just say supermercado so I don't butcher it.
  3. AMLO isn't a fan https://www.eluniversal.com.mx/nacion/ni-un-voto-a-desantis-amlo-arremete-contra-reforma-migratoria-del-gobernador-de-florida/ Pretty strong words here:
  4. No I'm not suggesting that, but there's some form of cruelty involved when you teach kids 0 financial literacy in school and most of them have 0 experience with adult finances and then put them in a predicament where they are pressured (socially) to put on the burden of $50K+ of debt that isn't even real to them as it's something they'll pay "later" in some abstract future that they don't comprehend.
  5. Well yes and no. Adult enough to add $100k+ of debt that can't be removed via bankruptcy, but not adult enough to buy a beer.
  6. I think you mean mid-century. The early century ones are heavily used and covered in blood.
  7. Hey my band came in 2nd at state so I had to go to Baylor.
  8. Steam Decks are on sale for $359.10 64GB $449.65 256GB $519.20 512GB until July 13 https://store.steampowered.com/sale/decktop100 I'm probably going to pick one up during the sale.
  9. That's what we were trying to do Matt, ya asshole.
  10. Like anyone could even know that
  11. Well until next year when to enforce it at all levels they decide that every profession is an art form and therefore speech.
  12. If the Ds can't successfully juxtapose the student loan debt relief with the recent hit pieces on the conservative justices accepting handouts (regardless of legal reasonings on the student loan relief) then we deserve the country we're getting.
  13. They're trying to get the message out as fast as possible
  14. So its Friday news dump day so we're getting student loan sadness today aren't we.
  15. SimonBolivar

    USMNT 2023

    This is dumb. I wish we would pull an Australia and join CONMEBOL, but it'll never happen with expanded WC pretty much locking us in forever automatically.
  16. Let me know what you think about The Institute. I'm a big fan of that one and want a sequel.
  17. What do I need a watch for? I ain't taking any medicine.
  18. Weird, the family didn't look like Ohio gun nuts...
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