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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. Same family that used to own BSR Cabe Park in Waco...which has....had some issues. BSR Cable Park faces million dollar lawsuit (fox44news.com)
  2. I'm a big fan of yours and love watching your journey, but I think there may be some confusion on what "we" eat in the "normal" BMI range. I'm privileged enough to be able to go home and cook myself lunch every day and using yesterday as an example I had.... an omelet that consisted of - 3 whole eggs - 6oz of grilled chicken - 4 thin strips of bacon - handful of spinach - Mexican taco seasoning That produced a fucking big ass omelet that took up an entire 10" plate and was 630 calories and had 62g of protein. Now I'm manlet sized in height so somebody taller could easily throw in another egg and some meat and be in the same boat relative to their height. It isn't that hard to get full when eating real food, but of course that's a different battle than being addicted to sugar or whatvever. I know some people can eat grilled chicken and veggies for every meal, but that's not me and there are easy alternatives if you have the ability to cook a lot. I know I'm not telling you anything you don't already know, but I hate the stigma out there that eating healthy means you aren't eating anything and starving all the time.
  3. When did the switch happen? I never knew that the plastic bottles were ever different than the American stuff. I always thought it was just the glass bottles so I probably screwed myself a ton over the years in Old Mehico.
  4. This thread might be funny to some, but to those of us who work in public facing banking positions we have to deal with this bullshit...every...single...day. I've thought about asking to be demoted to a teller as then you can just tell them you need to help the next person, but in an office setting they just keep going on and on and your secretary thinks it's hilarious. Oh, and these are always retired white men between the ages of 60 and 75. They're never employed, they're never women, they're never another ethnicity, and they're never younger or older than that.
  5. Why is there a stand of someone selling vodka (1:06) at a god damn cemetery?
  6. SimonBolivar

    USMNT 2023

    Nah, they're complete snobs when it comes to who plays where. While a huge deal for us do they really care about a guy who has basically no EPL experience and didn't impress all that much in the Championship last year? He's doing great in Ligue 1, but the Brits laugh at that league all the time compared to someone like Bellingham who is doing well in the Bundesliga. Oh well their fuckup is our gain.
  7. What are tomorrow's lottery numbers? Micah Burton Signs for Austin FC II
  8. Fortunately I have an event to attend in Brown County on Saturday (new sentence for me!), but I'll report on any shenanigans I see before then and after I get back.
  9. I've now seen 3 makeshift Trump stands selling merch in Waco that have popped up in the last two days. I haven't seen anyone looking at their wares yet, but the action doesn't start until Saturday.
  10. "Officer I was totally just trying to convert her, not what it looks like"
  11. Just a note that many credit unions and local/regional banks don't have Swift codes and instead will want the Mexican bank to go through a partner US bank that does have access to the Fed.
  12. I'll set the scene/mood for you Imagine you just sat through a really boring sermon about something that went completely over your head as you sat in the pew in uncomfortable clothes when it's 100 degrees in early October. The day before you just saw Baylor get skullfucked by UNT on their way to their 10th losing season in a row and all you have left is to watch the aging Dallas Cowboys who are now just a shell of their former selves. You knew that after that it was Monday where some neanderthal coach was going to make your life a living hell all day because you lost a junior high football game the week before. Your day/life is pretty shitty, but suddenly you arrive at the mall parking lot and go into the special cafeteria entrance where a blast of AC hits you in the face and a sweet old black lady loads you up an order of Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes (brown gravy), Mac & Cheese, fruit salad, a dinner roll, and chocolate icebox pie. It turned out that there was a point to life after all.
  13. Yes, it was like Luby's except both better and worse.
  14. It was on the list of "places to stop after church" rotation along with Arbys (5 for $5), Wienerschnitzel ($.50 dogs), and a few other places. However, if the parents were in an extra good mood then we hit the jackpot of going to Picadilly (RIP), man I love cafeterias.
  15. As a kid it was just pour the "cheese" sauce on everything.
  16. It looks like it also includes an option to buy, which is always nice. Has played in Ligue 2 and then also played a ton early this year in the top league in Belgium, but has been on off the squad for months. I hope he's in decent shape.
  17. That would actually be pretty cool as it would keep him from the USL->Europe pipeline and give us more to watch with Austin FC II.
  18. This year it's been the score for the other team person.
  19. If it isn't a CB then we riot
  20. I'm scared and need an adult.
  21. I was talking to a buddy about going to a game at Q2 in a couple weeks and he said we had to be sure and get our seats in the section with bigger chairs. I had no idea what he was talking about, but apparently some sections feature larger seats. The constant worry and stress that comes with being big can't be good for you on top of the physical damage.
  22. I don't know about you, but I like to live a little when I go on a roadtrip.
  23. Yet obesity is worse among the poor in the United States Recent origin and evolution of obesity-income correlation across the United States | Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (nature.com)
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