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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by SimonBolivar

  1. UTV like always and we never get results vs Bournemouth, but if we have to lose a game and it happens to put one of Everton, Leicester, or West Ham in relegation...well it wouldn't be the end of the world
  2. What are the odds he refuses to cooperate, and we get some big,long siege of wherever he happens to be?
  3. I got to the blocks then quit, so I guess I got a 0.
  4. SimonBolivar

    USMNT 2023

    Probably the most skilled
  5. 4 tacos and 3 bean burritos didn't fill you up?
  6. Anyone else making the drive to Houston on Saturday? It looks like it'll be fairly chilly for Houston, but it'll be nice to get the taste of Haitian balls out of our mouth.
  7. Shitty result, but still a great atmosphere for a midweek CCL game down 3-0 on the away leg. My dad lost a close friend suddenly last week, so my brother and I took him to his first ever soccer game last night. He loved it and he had not expected that kind of atmosphere at all.
  8. Hah I went to Baylor with the then CEO's son. He had a dresser drawer full of Quiznos cash he'd give out to people who did things for him.
  9. It'd be cool if it did, but it would suck for a team like Iowa to have only one non B1G/ISU game a year.
  10. I haven't been to a Panera in a couple of years, but I seem to remember liking their black bean soup. I think it had decent nutritional numbers too, but for some reason I think my wife told me they stopped making it.
  11. Sure but do you give up pretty much all of the East Coast (including Rev fans) to hit that submarket of Oscars + MLS fans?
  12. Russian in Chicago dropping hard "n's" left and right.
  13. Clemson needs to be an SEC school, it just fits too well.
  14. Oh so it's like a pay us $50 and we'll put your city's name on this list they can use it for college applications thing.
  15. Where does the metro breakoff point happen? They have Dallas including Ft Worth, but San Jose is distinct from San Fran/Oakland and Oakland to San Jose is roughly 10 miles further than Ft Worth to Dallas.
  16. Yeah, it must suck to have to deal with all that extra work and money.
  17. That's probably in 17 different accounts there under your social, so you should be fine.
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