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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. Very short term benefit for infection meaning no real population level benefit. Waning effectiveness of the third dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine | Nature Communications
  2. Your post doesn't make any sense. First, what does herd immunity mean in your context? Herd immunity for long term protection is done. There basically isn't anyone left that doesn't have either vax or natural infection. Second, it's pretty much clear (has been since Delta) that herd immunity from transmission is never going to be a thing. It mutates too quickly. It's unfortunate but that's been clear for well over a year now. Finally, why in the world would you not suggest limiting discussion/suggestions to specific populations. The risk profile of a 75 year old vs. a 5 or 22 year old isn't the same planet. Treating the entire population as exactly the same is the exact opposite of 'following the science'.
  3. Then what exactly is the benefit to the college population specifically or society generally by boosting healthy college students. Show your work. Because on an individual basis, there is actually data that net harm may be statistically more likely than net benefit (both extremely rare obviously).
  4. I think one difference is people seem to have a much stronger reaction to COVID booster vs. flu shot. Certainly the case for me. Flu shot doesn't impact me at all, but for COVID, both my 2nd shot and booster were pretty much the equivalent to the infection I got 6 months later. From what I've read, t and b cell immunity (from infection or prior shot) are proving to be long lasting. So annual booster may not be needed to provide protection if low risk. Until there is data reflecting significant decrease in transmission (i.e., essentially being able to schedule your infection if going to be down for 24-48 hours from the shot), I'm not sure there is much upside in low risk population.
  5. It's not anecdotal. It's a fact. COVID is low risk in healthy kids. Please find something, anything, that disputes that. RSV and Flu are much more problematic than COVID in that age group and any PED would tell you the same thing. People like you want to "trust the science" like it's a badge of honor but have absolutely no idea what the science actually is.
  6. If you have data that evidences there is a benefit to boosting healthy college students please share.
  7. I have kids and thus know dozens of kids. Every single kid we know has had COVID. Less than 1/2 the kids we know have been vaccinated. It hasn't been a big deal for ANYONE we know vaccinated or not. You know why? Because statistically it's not a big deal for kids. Period. Why are statistics and facts so hard for you? We all know you hate kids so maybe just sit these out.
  8. This just shows how out of touch both Dykes and Kendal are. I mean I'm sure they gave Kendal a nice raise so from that perspective it makes sense for him, but I don't care who the OC is next year, that offense is taking a major step back losing all of that skill position firepower (not to mention experience across the board). You simply can't replace a 4 year QB + NFL starting caliber talent at WR and RB. So knowing there is zero chance you can replicate last season (particularly considering several W's they pulled out of their ass even with that talent) they hire an OC the fanbase hates? That's a great way to lose goodwill for Dykes, and for Kendall, you are the guaranteed scapegoat when things go bad. Just a high risk career move when apparently no need to take that risk. Could have stayed at Arkie or apparently gone to Miss St. if he wanted a move. Just bizarre.
  9. Correct, I'm in Dallas. I think these options are all probably available in Austin as well. I'll definitely update with my thoughts if/when I pull the trigger.
  10. Bumping this as started to look into the different products. I figure first quarter is their slowest period so likely better deals. Some good info in this thread. Anyone else able to compare in contrast between Jellyfish/Gemstone/Trimlight? Have initial appts set up for all 3 to learn about pricing and product differences.
  11. Yep. The vast majority of the educated people I know got the initial vaccine but have since been making their own decisions on kids, boosters etc. and don't really think a right or wrong answer. Except for this one friend of my wife's that wears "trust the science" like a badge of honor. Their family has had COVID at least 2X (maybe 3, who's counting) and each have gotten themselves and their kids vaxed/boosted as early as possible (as in the day available while making sure everyone knows about on social media). I mean their recently turned 6 year old has at least 2 (maybe 3) confirmed infections (that were never a big deal) + 4 shots in the last 2 years. That is flat out insane to me and I can't imagine any Dr. that actually has dug into the research would advise that is actually needed or should even be recommended. But that's what the CDC, in their refusal to provide any nuanced guidance, are technically going with. It's absolutely ridiculous.
  12. OU scrambling to find an OC 5-6 weeks before spring ball with a HC that wants nothing to do with that side of the ball would have me extremely gruntled.
  13. Refusal to change messaging as more is known has been my biggest critique. I think the powers that be think Americans are too dumb to understand recs can and should change over time as more data becomes available (fear of the far right accusing them of flip flopping, etc.) but a more nuanced and flexible approach would have earned the trust of the sane/competent majority.
  14. Agreed. All things considered it was a huge success even though a material segment of the population won't recognize it. My only criticism is that once it became clear it didn't really stop transmission (Delta and certainly by Omicron), the messaging didn't change. It's been debated on this page before butI think it was embarrassing that some of the alleged top institutions of higher learning were (and maybe still are?) mandating not only vaccines but also boosters in student population where there really wasn't any benefit (particularly once it was clear it didn't stop transmission on campus). Like just about everything, the extreme on both sides of the COVID Vax debate had it totally wrong IMO.
  15. I still follow it all relatively closely and this is where I come out. This has been discussed on this thread before and one hand I understand why govt agencies had such a blunt approach to COVID Vax recs but, for example, there was never any evidence there was a meaningful benefit for healthy children or boosters for college kids, etc. I've seen recent data that the historically standard vaccine uptake among young children is down either further post-COVID and no doubt a big reason why was the US approach to COVID vaccination (recall Europe never recommended vaccination for kids). Again, given the evidence that it was generally safe, I understand why they took the approach they did (particularly when it was hopeful it would materially decrease transmission). But in hindsight I think a more targeted approach would have helped in the long run.
  16. Sorry, was reading too fast and didn't clarify. I think a prety low income limit on traditional if you have a work plan
  17. At least we all know he's bleeding their boosters dry in the process. I'm not in the loop but seems a safe guess he and Weigman both have way more leverage there than on the market (and both would do well in the market). Those guys leave even Looch would have to admit it's Jimbo couldn't recover.
  18. Great rec I haven't thought to submit until reading this. We've been 5 or so times now and love it. Everything we've ordered has been on point but agreed with the cochinitas tacos. There is a similar place close by at Royal/Abrams shopping center we tried recently called Mario Bros tacos that is also really solid.
  19. After losing NFL Ticket, I don't see how they remain viable absent becoming a serious streaming competitor with a top of the line app competitively priced. I'm just doubtful they can accomplish it. I mean for people like me that gave up on them 3 or 4 years ago after dealing with years of shitty service, it would take a lot to get me back. ATT ran Direct TV into the ground and I'll be shocked if they can really compete with the other streaming providers.
  20. Would love to hear take from those better in the know but I'm guessing TCU utilized this run to build a decent NIL war chest.
  21. Given that CDC/Athletic Dept can now promote One Fund, is there any reason they can't send an email blast with a recent example of charity work athlete's have performed to get paid? A short message of how people can get involved, an example of the charitable benefit, and a reminder that One Fund is tax deductible could go a long way on the crowd sourcing side. Hell, look how quickly the masses have helped out players go fund me campaign's for sick family members. I agree I think Texas One Fund is lacking from a marketing perspective so far (which is understandable given how how new it is). I've told multiple people about it and that are more than casual fans and they had no idea.
  22. Timely discussion. I lurk a buddy's account at OB's. In a thread seeking crowdsourcing for One Fund today, of course, numerous shitposters on OB's starting bitching about paying players, one of (if not the) largest donor that has been keeping NIL together paying the lions share got pretty pissed at the response of the idiots on that site and flat out said he can't unilaterally support Texas NIL after this year. Preaching to the choir to most on this forum, I know, but it's beyond clear we really need more Texas One Fund donors in addition to Burnt Ends (and in addition to more larger donors stepping up) or we're going to be in trouble next year. Maybe someone closer can post the stats of actual monthly donors but I'm guessing it's abysmal given the alumni base. Maybe you could verify One Fund subscriptions somehow and add a One Fund in addition to Burnt Ends logo on profile so we can shame those not helping out? It's insane to me with our alumni base that we aren't a crowdsourcing leader. If A&M ever gets their shit together they sure as hell will be. But I think a big part of the issue is the masses still don't know about it or understand it.
  23. So DTV developed something streaming competitors have had in place for years? Good for them I guess. I'll still be a little surprised if they are a meaningful servicer provider 5 years from now.
  24. Maybe there is a discussion somewhere I haven't seen but would love some analysis/speculation as to WTF is going on there. I know there was supposedly issues between Sanders and Gundy mid-season, but for the other starters they are losing, do we have a sense how much of it is OSU having no material NIL# vs. disgruntledness?
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