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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Skipper

  1. Not the best start. Wild certainly more locked in to start the series. Time to regroup. Seemed like a really weak 2nd penalty call unless some angle I missed.
  2. Somewhat adding on to my post in the inflation thread last week but I think the Stars way overpriced their single game round 1 tix. There are a lot of really good seats available for tonight's game. I mean if you have center ice 7th row available (arguably overall best seats int he arena) available for "face" for a playoff game, you probably fucked up your pricing. I can't make it tonight regardless but sucks there will be unsold seats.
  3. Yeah, that's a bit ridiculous for minor league. The Rangers still have some "cheap seats" in upper corners for like $10 each. And lower outfield I think $40. Of course, what makes it expensive to take a family all the way out to Arlington is price of parking/beer/food. We'll still likely be going out there soon though.
  4. Yeah, it was one of our favorite seasons as well. Thanksf or the Peacock tip. I somehow have 7 of the last 9 seasons available on YTTV but missing that one.
  5. I've always followed ticket/ticket prices going back when I used to buy/sell as a teenage scalper outside of Texas games. Not sure if there has been much reporting/discussion but ticket inflation the past year or so has been absurd. I'll argue Texas tickets have been relatively good value compared to pro pricing. I definitely noticed it with Mavs ticket pricing this year (and never went to a game outside of free firm tix). Looking today at Stars round 1 playoff tix and lowers between blue line and goal are priced at $325 face (before fees). That prompted me to look back and saw I paid $185 face for same tickets (appears to be after fees) in round 1 2019. The craziest was my wife was semi-interested in Taylor Swift in Dallas so I followed that market and never saw anything like it for a big venue concert. For the Sat night show I didn't see floor or "shitty" club level go less than $1200 or so per and most went well over $2K (and obviously the best seats went well above that). Obstructed view seats behind the stage where you couldn't see shit were going for > $700. Told my wife no fucking way. I mean we have, relatively, plenty of discretionary income but who are the people paying those prices (not to mention what you pay on top of it for parking, food, booze, etc.)? That's a $3K all in date night easily for not great seats. And that's a $1K date night to a first round playoff game . It would be one thing if people were spending all discretionary income staying but travel still crazy as well. WTF is the savings rate in the current inflationary environment with this level of discretionary income spend. Can't be great.
  6. We are fighting through it hoping it gets better (at least for us we typically get more into as the season moves on and last episode was a bit more interesting) but without question have never scrolled my phone more during a season than this one. Generally unappealing food (for us at least) and no chefs/personalities we either really like or dislike. We are planning a summer trip to Charleston and actually tried to just turn this season off and watch that season last night but unfortunately couldn't find it on demand.
  7. We caught up this past week. Can't put finger on exactly why but this is probably the least interested I've been in a top chef season that I can recall. Probably has a lot to do with British food just not moving the needle for the most part. Will fight through it but boring season IMO.
  8. I'm not sure you could pay me $100,000 to make the effort/time to launder a million fucking dimes.
  9. Adding to the chorus, as non-military, it blows my mind some 21 yo dipshit has access to highly classified materials. I would have thought you would need to put in your time and essentially be clearly pursuing and climbing the ladder towards a full blown long term military career before having that kind of access. Seems absurd.
  10. Is our NIL $$ not right in basketball right now? Or is this just RT on an awful 2 week stretch putting together a team for next year.
  11. Welp this sure has trended poorly the past 2 weeks. Damn.
  12. That loss by the Wild puts the Stars in the #2 slot in the central at worst right? Think Stars have tiebreakers against both Wild and Avs if there is a tie.
  13. Agreed. I'm much more concerned with the fact he's been lavishing undisclosed gifts worth millions to a SC justice for years than the fact he has some Nazi shit as part of a massive collection.
  14. Sportsday app not work for anyone else earlier this morning? So fucking annoying.
  15. This is a thing? A thing that you do? OK then.
  16. Who exactly are you screaming at dude. Do you think you are on Texags?
  17. Because if this DA embarrasses himself trying to make this case, it gives Trump and his supporters ammo that it ALL is a "witch hunt" and makes it that much harder for the next one.
  18. This is how I'm coming out so far. I despise that motherfucker and have little doubt he's committed dozens of meaningful crimes but have not seen anything yet that has convinced me THIS is the case to bring. Years and years ago early in my career I saw something on the civil side where a NY AG basically shut down a company that impacted a transaction my client was involved in. My client was subpoenaed and we cooperated. The company involved did have some questionable practices but it actually floored me how little the NY AG attorneys involved understood about what they were alleging. I was on a call explaining the business at an elementary level to lead attorneys at the NYAG that had been working on this for months and had already destroyed the business. I was floored at the incompetence. Counsel for the company told me before the call it was BS but it was an election year and the AG wanted some positive headlines, I went in naive thinking no way power would be wielded in that manner for political reasons but he was pretty clearly correct in hindsight. So yeah, while I'm hopeful there is more to this supporting the felony charge I'm reminded of that experience. And if it ends up super flimsy I hate they have given that asshole and his idiotic followers all this ammo.
  19. https://www.ceruleanpro.com/ This is who we use. They do a solid job and owner is a great guy. I'm in Lake Highlands area but pretty sure they service further North.
  20. Same. I've considered trying out the one that opened in the Hill which is close to us but no idea what really differentiates it from Mi Cocina.
  21. I think the current version of the hardline is better than it was the last few years Mike was there. Dave was a huge addition and even though I've never been a big fan of Bob, feel like he's settled in to that slot and they all have good chemistry. Far better show than it was a year ago.
  22. Well that's a big fucking shocker. Agreed 100% this was absolutely idiotic of this journalist and the WSJ to put us in this position. We all bitched about Griner's dumbass being over there a year ago but this is clearly worse. He should have been doing his job from Poland and backchanneling the best he could. Ridiculous for any American no matter the circumstances to still be on Russian soil.
  23. Yep. I disagree with Liberals/Democrats on a lot of things. But at this point I'm basically a 2 issue voter. Gun Control and Anti-Insurrection (i.e., publicly against Trump and everything that 1/6 represented). Any Republican that does not have those 2 issues front and center on their platform has zero chance of getting my vote. Which essentially means I'll continue to vote D for the foreseeable future. The policy disagreements I have with the D's don't inherently put my kids lives in jeopardy or the fundamental democracy of our country in jeopardy so it's really pretty fucking simple.
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