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Everything posted by sasquatch69

  1. https://www.wral.com/us-rep-madison-cawthorn-calls-zelensky-thug/20180199/
  2. Apologies if already posted - but this thread, wow. “It only takes one of them to get lucky and everyone goes home with a bonus."
  3. Pretty shocked (guess I shouldn't be) that Tim O'Hare trounced Betsy Price in the R primary for Tarrant County judge. O'Hare is toxic - he pushed a lot of anti-Hispanic measures as mayor of Farmers Branch, and when he ultimately failed there he moved to Southlake and reinvented himself as founder of the PAC that caused all the issues for Carroll ISD there (well documented in the 'Southlake' podcast). He sent out mailers touting his support of Trump and painting Price as a flaming liberal (which is far from the truth) - and it clearly worked. Given his support in Colleyville/Southlake/etc I doubt his D challenger will be able to beat him despite her support in Fort Worth.
  4. I love my Marin a little bit more now.
  5. More on the disqualification thing. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/north-carolina-cawthorn-constitution-insurrectionists-00010944
  6. Disregard - found this - guess this means I need to shell out for a 6 or higher.
  7. @wd40 - apologies if you’ve already answered this upthread, but what camera/gear do you use for your ride videos? They look fantastic. A friend gave me a GoPro Hero4 and chest mount, so I tried recording a ride with it and it doesn’t look good - the lack of image stabilization is the biggest issue but the overall quality isn’t up to what I want (even set at 1080p).
  8. Thanks, I stand corrected. The title of that list was a little misleading.
  9. It’s telling that TCU has the same # of conf championships as Baylor - and has been in the conference 1/3 as long. And then there’s Tech…
  10. Ran out of time to ride yesterday, and feeling pretty puny today so I doubt I'll get a ride in before the cold front tonight, which sucks. Also, I heard that a bunch of the trails at BC not officially owned/maintained by the church are on land now slated for development. I guess that's a fairly open secret among local MTB circles, but still - best go ride out there and get the full experience while you can. I'm incredibly bummed.
  11. Followup for anyone who cares: Bike Mart covered another new chain and repairs this morning - they said it seems like a freak occurrence that the new chain failed so quickly, so they checked it out thoroughly. The front crankset is a little worn but still in decent shape, and the rear cassette is fine. I'd love to upgrade to a 1x SRAM but that has to hold off for a while.
  12. Not sure. BM replaced it and tightened it up for a good fit, so I need to find out what’s going on. This is a good reminder that I need to really familiarize myself with basic maintenance stuff, and carry a tube, chain tool, etc. I’m pretty low-info beyond basic adjustments and tire air.
  13. Had a glorious ride on hero dirt at Big Cedar today, including Upper Ranger and trying out Barb Wire loop for the first time. It was fantastic - until my @$?!ing chain snapped. Second time in three days (Bike Mart supposedly fixed it yesterday, and I paid extra to get a more heavy-duty chain, so I’ll be marching it back in there tomorrow). Oh well, got almost six miles of riding in, and another 1.5 on foot hiking up and down the utility easement to get back to the trailhead…
  14. Yes, Northshore issue was big time ruts in several spots. As for Horseshoe, my route: - warmup by riding the parking lot loop out to the boathouses and back; - do the full compliment of loops (including Bat Field), which is right at ~5mi. - Start again and then bail out to the paved road before Tubes 2, then do the parking lot loop again to wind down. Alternatively, you can go right instead of left at the creek crossing near the beginning of Rocky Ridge loop, and that takes you right to the first creek crossing on Forest loop (near the very beginning), then do the whole thing again - that ends up around 8mi as well.
  15. https://news.yahoo.com/former-snoop-dogg-backup-dancer-222913188.html
  16. I ended up doing 8mi at Horseshoe last night at sunset - was glorious. Northshore drama on the DORBA FB page - one of the stewards posted that there's a lot of damage from folks who kept riding past the CLOSED signs this past week, and in the comments someone outed a dude who posted a photo of himself next to the closed sign on his Strava ride, and the pile-on commenced - and then he started threatening a fight with anyone who dared to challenge him in person about it. As much as I love MTB, I really don't like some MTBers.
  17. https://twitter.com/HoustonChron/status/1491193256545243139
  18. Northshore and Horseshoe JUST flipped to green. Thinking I may need to duck out on my final meetings this afternoon
  19. Jonesing to get back out on the D/FW-area trails, especially with the gorgeous weather on tap for this week - and everything's still closed due to mud. Hoping Northshore/Horseshoe will flip to green soon, as they're usually the first to do so. Tyler's trails went green this morning, but no time to make that drive.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xy5psBbfNI
  21. I love that movie, especially this whole gorgeous sequence. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ng3XHPdexNM
  22. I'm thinking the RMS remnants show may not be on air much longer. The latest: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2022/01/20/d-fw-radio-dj-charged-with-producing-child-pornography-with-young-girl/
  23. It’s definitely a challenge (and I don't feel I did it justice), but worth your time. And thanks to you as well for putting Gateway on my radar!
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