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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by NoName

  1. anyone want to do a fantasy F1 thing this year?
  2. both are internal promotions, as were all of these changes announced a couple of weeks ago: Gleeson played football at Baylor as well Mitchell is also an internal promotion: this should answer the "will any of the folks who were not retained at Bama have soft landings at Texas" questions.
  3. 04 FER won 16/18 races, and in the 2 they didn't win they had a driver finish 3rd - Schumacher won 13 of the 17 he finished. Barrichello won 2. 14 Mercedes won 16 of 19 and had a top 2 driver in 18 of 19 races which is incredible. the one they didn't have a top 2 they finished 3rd and 4th 16 Mercedes won 19 of 21 between Rosberg and Hamilton. technically they won 19 of the 20 races where both drivers finished. the one they didn't win ROS finished 3rd and Lewis had a DNF https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Formula_One_driver_records 23 was wild as hell, and Max set a ton of record, but the guy led 75% of the laps run for the season - which is incredible. if someone wants to dig further into it, i think this is probably the years to look at
  4. how was it? any good?
  5. i realize my book written above may make it seem like i really care a ton about it and hate the hire - that's not the case. in general i am with you. he can absolutely be a plus hire without having to turn into tashard choice. i'm glad NFL folks and trainers rave about the guy but how many of them are willing to put their names on it? that's what i hate about the whole thing. it's wild as hell we are almost 3 weeks in and we don't have some rando quote from the actual DL coach he worked under last year, or anyone on that staff, using their own name to say he is a hard worker and rising star. either way - i have faith that if he can't cut it a change will be made at the position and that's all i honestly really care about. i hope he turns into a monster at developing talent, leave Texas in 3 years to go be an actual DC somewhere and is a head coach somewhere in 5 years.
  6. the answer seems to be "we swung big and missed on all of our tier 1 targets (henderson, wright, etc) and ended up hiring a guy that we liked, and maybe had as a tier 2 hire who was also get-able" no one, and i mean NO one has any idea who or what this guy is. i spent a ton of time looking for articles about him at prior jobs and they are basically zilch - even at places like fan blogs and twitter. the guy is a total and complete unknown to basically everyone who writes about the program, everyone who covers the program, national CFB writers, NFL dudes, scouting dudes, etc. it's the position coach Texas has hired with the least written about him in the last decade and change and it's not even close. he may absolutely kill it - and obviously we all hope he does - but he may also get fired before the spring term ends. we're 3 weeks in and we still don't know shit about his salary, which would be a huge giveaway on what the team thinks about him. for comparison last year Milwee made $425k base, Gideon made $475k base and Chris Jackson made $550k base. if he makes $425k he would have been the #30 highest paid DL coach in the country Texas hired Baker somewhere around 2/1 and as of last Wed (2/14) Gerry said he had spent 4 days on the road recruiting. at this point the only thing that makes sense is they swung and missed on a TON of people due to timing, and ended up with a guy they could actually hire who was a good bit further down their list. his coaching profile doesn't match up with anyone Sark has hired at Texas historically or the process they have followed with his position coach hires. it's wild as hell we are almost 3 weeks in and the only comments we have about the guy are basically all sourced stuff or Sark saying that everyone they talked to (generic) raved about him if he worked closely with Pete Jenkins (he didn't) wouldn't you at least be able to get the retired 80 something year old on the record saying *ANYTHING* about the guy?
  7. that West A bracket is *loaded* of course Faison gets a bracket with easily the worst #2 and worst #3 probably in the tournament. excited to see the show back, it's probably my favorite cooking competition show on TV right now
  8. remember when Elon just closed a datacenter to save money and unplugged a lot of shit - just a reminder how dumb that was https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/11/elon-musk-moved-twitter-servers-himself-in-the-night-new-biography-details-his-maniacal-sense-of-urgency.html
  9. odds are that he is still pretty close. USA today for last year: https://sports.usatoday.com/ncaa/salaries/football/coach
  10. went to Helberg on Sat AM - the drive through experience is great. had their barbacoa special, which was really damn good. jalapeno link and a half lb of pork steak - all of which were excellent. BUT those dudes shorted me on a lb of brisket, which i did not realize until i was back home 3 hours away. sucks, but is what it is. just going to consider it a $30 tip to some good folks who need it a this point but seriously, the drive through process was very, very easy. pull up - order - pull up to the trailers - dude asks if you need bbq sauce, bread, etc - brings out your order and you drive off. they have outdoor seating too (picnic tables)
  11. ok, so how real is any/all of this Horner stuff? if it's as cut and dried as one group makes you think, one would assume he would be toast - if he sent inappropriate pics to another employee / it was a sexual thing they would have absolutely suspended him at the least. the 650k stuff sure seems like absolute bullshit, why would he so clearly say he was innocent "allegations made, which i fully deny" but offer 650k for it to go away? the whole "independent lawyer did the investigation but went on vacation before rendering the results of said investigation" absolutely sounds like a plant as well. the leaks about the 51/49 split and how the thais are pushing so hard to keep him seem absolutely ridiculous. i just am assuming at this point it's all bullshit - if it was even kind of legit, any decent sized company in the universe would have suspended him while the investigation was ongoing. this whole thing reeks of two well known horrible human beings (Marko and Jos) pushing a narrative to try and force someone out.
  12. didn't they fire Michael Masi during a FER launch too? lol
  13. also, oopsie https://www.barrons.com/news/judge-orders-elon-musk-to-answer-to-regulators-in-twitter-x-probe-6dde5ba1 Judge Orders Elon Musk To Answer To Regulators In Twitter/X Probe text
  14. https://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-bought-twitter-settle-his-jet-tracking-beef-1851248192 Elon Musk Bought Twitter to Settle His Jet-Tracking Beef, New Book Claims full
  15. if you go to costco on a Friday after work or Sat afternoon / evening you are doing it wrong. the way to go is first thing on a Saturday - like walk in when the doors open - or go like an hour before close on Friday.
  16. NoName


    you have no idea how wild as hell Brookes is. i've heard the new lost draw tasting room out by JC is nice and William Chris is doing a lot of interesting things these days (not all announced) - Lost Draw employs a bunch of good people locally. anyone know anything about Wine for the People? https://wineforthepeople.com/ https://austin.eater.com/2023/11/17/23965468/wine-for-the-people-closing-austin-tasting-room-spread-co-opening-pop-ups-fredericksburg they took over Lost Draw's old location next to HEB in Fredericksburg.
  17. they rarely have them, but they do have them at my HEB. just not all the time, have to get lucky basically.
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