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Everything posted by NotActuallyALonghorn

  1. OTF's are handy if you work a job where you have to cut up boxes or shrink wrap or something like that one handed. You can open and close it easily without risking closing it on your hand
  2. So you want to solidify a practice that allows racist sheriffs to steal from minorities? Quite the critical thinking skills you've got there!
  3. The youngest is sick today and I have to stay home with him. Guess I can go fix this today.
  4. Lol, there have been studies that have shown a surprising amount of deer are bred by pretty young bucks. He was just trying to get some the only way he knows how.
  5. Is there an Israeli version if Playboy? Because if there is they should just drop a bunch of those in the Gaza strip and the West Bank. When the boys grow up having learned to spank it to hot jewesses they should be less inclined to hating them.
  6. No 94 is going to be smoother than a 73. The brass carrier block and toggle line action made it feel like it wants you to work the action.
  7. IThere isn't a smoother gun than a 73 Winchester.
  8. Empire Strikes Back was a filler movie. Nothing really important happened.
  9. On a scale of 1 to an entire party size bag of flaming hot cheetos, exactly how high are you right now?
  10. Going back to the giant statues of the father and the son...the daughter dies in the Mortis Arc of Clone Wars and transfers her life force to Ahsoka, and the daughter statue is destroyed in the scene with Baylan. Combine that with Morai showing up, and I bet we get to explore some of the more mystical aspects of the force in the future. Hopefully with a whole season. And, as much as I love seeing live action, I do kind of wish they had done this in animation so that they could put out more content. eight episodes just leaves you wishing for more.
  11. IYeah, I'd rather them recast than try and CGI him or write him out.
  12. Yeah, I think that was the father and the son, with the daughter destroyed.
  13. Bunch of 1%ers in here. I took my cheap walmart/academy/I don't remember 200# feeder and wired up some cattle panel and then some chicken wire on top of that to keep the varmints out. cost me like $75 on clearance for the feeder a couple years ago and then supplies I already had on hand.
  14. Yeah, she has a whole closet full of them.
  15. Get one with a stick under the barrel and you can load it up however you want. And for cheap.
  16. When we drive to my father in law's place, we pass a large industrial park. Only it is empty. And there isn't a single town of any significance within like 45 minutes of it. If you've driven to Querataro you have passed it.
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