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Everything posted by FartingMonk

  1. We don't need light sweet crude. For the most part we are using "opportunity" crude which is just another name for the heavy sour stuff. It's cheaper and we've adapted to it. It is a pipe killer and that's some of the shit we've learned. I was part of an inspection team in Garyville LA and we wrote a white paper on T9 after our findings because the nerds claimed that it was indestructible but sulfidation wasn't accounted for. The sour gas is heavy as shit on sulfur content but the industry doesn't want to admit they were wrong. I think the problem is we view Ukraine as this great country but it honestly was a piece of shit and corrupt as hell. We didn't try to build bigger bombs we started to build one big ass warhead that can strike several targets. MiRVs are great because we know if I can get one missile into orbit then I can crash 8 different targets. SALT and START kinda forced is into that mindset. For example an SSBN has 24 missiles. But it actually has 120 if you count how many targets it can hit. Each missile can split. That's the danger
  2. One thing I have learned is no one knows how a nuclear reactor works and how a nuclear weapon works. We hear the word nuclear and we all lose our fucking minds
  3. Ukraine would have given up by now. It's death or not.
  4. Holy shit. That is everything. We as humans are flawed people and we build systems because we know our flaws. But we let the checks and balances decay over time because we see it as overbearing because we haven't seen firsthand what happens if we don't. So you have someone keep overstepping that boundary. I was on the phone with my new boss last night and he asked what my expectations were and I told him there is stuff written on paper to protect the workers but how much of it is actually true. You let a middle manager get out of control and it stinks everything up. The UN being the boss is not supposed to let stuff like Russia and Ukraine get to that point but the UN chose to ignore it so middle manager (Russia) says well fuck if no one is doing anything it means I'm right.
  5. The problem is we proved that with Ukraine the only way to not get invaded is by getting nuclear weapons. All those rich ass shiekdoms are going hard after it now. The only reasons the Saudis don't have it is because we told them we wouldn't protect them if they do. Now that we see that means a whole bunch of bullshit. They will definitely get one. Taiwan already has one but no one wants to talk about it.
  6. Yeah a good friend told me about Eritrea vs Ethiopia. He said I'm pretty sure I was fighting a Russian mig flown by a Russian.
  7. Yeah I don't understand when people say we aren't fighting Russia. We essentially are doing everything but. It's like giving your neighbor all your stuff to fight the neighbor and sit in your lawn and say I'm not involved
  8. And there is probably a marine MEU on the Hot Carl. Or is it Truman. Plus if the Turks allow we have a huge air base there
  9. Roughly 25k ready fighting unit. We have what we call 24 anywhere. Where we can deploy 10k in under 24 hours plus the Poles are geared up itching to fight
  10. Bro your insight is good. I'm about to get banned because Nicole didn't cc me on her nudes to Zelensky and immac is a cunt
  11. So in lot with the world. I just took down a poker room. Accepted a job at Amazon. Like I'm basically sucking my own dick right now
  12. Raytheon executives are like bro 100 more javelins and I can buy this bitch out right
  13. The SA20s and s400 systems can. Ukranian arms are Russian 20 years behind. I'm not sure about our standoff AA that we sold them but I'm sure they can take them down. Heavy bombers are slow as fuck our B52s go in with tons of radar jamming and absolutely air superiority
  14. I'm not an IT nerd but I think the big problem is access. Everyone wants it. With the military the general says you know I think I need access to that. IT guy says but why. BGeneral says because I'm the fucking general. Then his little dog robbers demand the same thing. It's not different with NERC. And you're absolutely right about the top down issue. It's kind of like the sanctions thing. We are like we will have this crazy sanction structure but and then there is 100 pages of loop holes.
  15. Have them get a direct attack just for funsies and you might not be so calm
  16. Are you NERC certified? I'm RC and TO and as much as we believe we are off the network we are not. Remote work has got us into a bigger jam. My buddies at ONCOR just went with a test thinking the same thing and they got caught pants down
  17. Sorry this is usually when there ain't shit happening until 10 PM when it is day break in Ukraine where we get actual news so it's a bunch of conjecture.
  18. I don't believe that. If our grid went out. Massive looting would start.
  19. Yeah. I've been involved in power production since I was 21. When I got to the commercial side I was like holy fuck. We are ripe for disaster. Most nukes who get out of the navy go get their engineering degrees or end up on commercial power or data centers. Our skill set translates. We are scared shitless of a hack. Any facility with SCADA which is all is open to a hack. IT is a loss center so no one wants to throw money in it. ERCOT gets this huge blame in Texas but no one actually knows what ERCOT is. They are just the scapegoat. Look at Texas during Harvey. We had power. That's why we didn't riot. We couldn't go anywhere. Ice storm same thing. We lose the grid and have open roads it would be chaos beyond anything.
  20. Haha. We flew an MD80 from Guam to Tacoma. We were like uhh does that thing even have the distance? Apparently it did
  21. Yeah. The open comms thing has me laughing. Just because they are running open comms with the ground units does not mean they are doing the same with their first strike units.
  22. Well. Different story. Those dead Russians included Ukranians too. It's one thing to die defending your country. It's a different thing being the invader
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