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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Nolacycling

  1. More Iowa. My brother swam there and would tell stories of Gable roughing up wrestlers. They love that shit.
  2. The guys that you absolutely do not want to fight are the wrestlers. And they come in all sizes.
  3. Horns played Lsu Shaq/Jackson @Joel Osteen arena. Very entertaining.
  4. Are Congressional subpoenas issued by a select committee worth the paper they're written on? I seriously do not know after all the refusals to testify we've seen.
  5. Nolacycling


    What did the giraffe say to the bartender? The highballs are on me.
  6. Leon O'Neil is a quitter.
  7. Something I feel the internet is good for is finding its way into places that don't have open, free speech and then exposes the populace to the world. Sure, there's Karen videos and cats doing shit, but those don't exist in many places. Anything that encourages a little burkha-wearer to explore places where they have a choice to wear one is good. It's sort of a Radio Free America thing.
  8. Independence Day goes with the Independence theme. War of Independence Declaration of Independence Aisle 3 @Party City
  9. "He should of got his degree". Maybe. How much will he make in international basketball?
  10. So many barriers. There is a ton of $ invested in the STAAR testing, not just State but all the piranhas that swirl around producing the latest, greatest software or teaching method to pass STAAR. I would love to see internships that bring the kids in the am and focus on technical, informative reading that leads to certifications. Math, science that is relevant. Computer skills for business , not writing paragraphs. I teach English, how many of us have had to write an essay post-education? My kids had to learn the name of some 30 syllable fucking Japanese poetry not named Haiku for STAAR! Paid internships, paid by the business.
  11. Just a note. I used to mock the "everyone goes to college" mantra as untenable and ridiculous and I am a teacher(in a poor district). Those worthless associate degrees have given way to certifications and going for any advanced education such as dental worker, medical records, engine work, hvac etc.. is seen as college. A rose by any other name.
  12. Those pizzas would be competing with the ones delivered to the 9th floor of Jester East at 11pm during an evening of Mexican brick weed. Jim Bakker and Cryin' Tammy provided the entertainment.
  13. They have an anti character they've resurrected, "The Noid", who , like the Coyote continues to fail at stopping Domino's deliveries. Those ads make me think of a period where companies were pulling back from deliveries in economically disadvantaged areas and there was a momentary roar. So, I'm trying to imagine this vehicle tooling down the streets of (fill in the blank) without being hijacked.
  14. But don't you just know that already in evangelical churches somewhere it has been described as "he has risen from his death(bed), to continue to lead us."
  15. Sprite. How did we become the Black soft drink? -Black Jeopardy sponsor
  16. Am I feeling a momentum swing with the last hullabaloo? Yes, I am.
  17. Oan For other information, please contact: Bo LaMotte – Executive VP, Content Distribution 4757 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117 Email: bo.lamotte@oann.com Ann Schick – Executive VP, Content Distribution 4757 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117 Email: ann.schick@oann.com Charles Herring 4757 Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117 Phone: (858) 270-6900 Email: charles.herring@oann.com
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